I'm slowly stalking craigslist looking for a used canoe. We recently moved to a pond and want to be able to enjoy being out on it. I have some limited canoeing experience
(paddled down the Connecticut River one week in college, from Hanover, NH to the sea). What I am not sure about is what I should be looking for in a canoe, what common problems are relatively easily fixable. I see descriptions about damage fixed with a fiberglass patch, surface cracks in the bottom that need to be covered, and pictures with paint color worn off, etc. What common problems are fixable? What will take a lot of hard work and aren't worth it? Any canoe brands I should keep an eye out for (positive or negative)? Paddles as well, though I'm biased towards Mitchell paddles simply bc they were near to my college (and gave a 10% discount to students so I've gotten their paddles before for whitewater & sea kayaking). Sadly, even though my college club has a fiberglass workshop space, I never really used it or learned about it while I was there.