Hi, I searched through the forums and didn't really find anything useful on this topic, but how bad of an idea is a 401k loan really? It seems like it could be advantageous under certain circumstances.
The specific scenario I'm thinking of would be taking out a small 401k loan for a one time purchase, say 3-5k, for something like a car or other large appliance/improvement project etc. that would be purchased anyway but would otherwise have to be saved up for (did initially think of a student loan I had, but thanks forum search for reminding me of the tax deductible interest would need to be factored in). Assuming there's still quite a bit of room to max the 401k, would it make more sense to save up for that purchase keeping the cash out of the market until you were ready to buy, or to plow as much as you can into the 401k and taking the loan when you were ready to buy? The way I see it, the cash will be out of the market anyway, so that argument's moot, and it would be no different than lowering contributions that some have suggested. Paying interest back to yourself seems like it'd be more advantageous than to a bank, and 5% is about as good as you'd get anywhere. The smaller amount and 6-12 month payback period would mitigate the job loss risk. What are the downsides that I'm missing? Obviously not something you'd want to get in the habit of doing though.