I actually think it's a great book, and I recommended it to a friend over a lot of other books on meditation that can get a bit woo woo (my approach is 100% secular). It hits the basics and I found that reading about someone else's struggle to establish a meditation practice was really helpful in getting my own practice going. I had been intending to start meditating for like 20 years, but because my first exposure to the idea was a book on Zen, it just seemed too hard to do. Harris interviews teachers from the Insight meditation approach (like Goldstein, Salzberg, etc.) and it's much easier to understand and start doing without feeling like you're doing it wrong. The book is definitely worth a library trip! You can always read the more in depth books later.
I think I was actually already meditating when I read it, but it was a good reinforcer. I only meditate 10-15 minutes a day. It doesn't solve all your problems, but it does help with stress and I think it makes me maybe 15% less of an asshole :)