A relative of mine (in the US) purchased shares of an Australian company on the Australian stock exchange. Then the relative died. The executor of the estate is unsure how to sell these shares for USD so that they can be distributed 4 ways, and the value is only a couple thousand dollars so any attorney assistance would eat it up quickly. The shares are not in a brokerage, they are records at the registry company BoardRoom Ply Limited as "Estate Late DeceasedFirstName DeceasedLastName, C/O ExecutorFirstName ExecutorLastName".
My thought is to
1) set up a trust in my state,
2) set up an Interactive Brokers trust account in the name of the estate with the executor as trustee,
3) request a share transfer from BoardRoom Ply Limited to the IB account,
4) sell the shares for AUD,
5) convert the AUD to USD,
6) and transfer the USD to the estate's checking account.
Does this sound rational? Any unnecessary or missed steps?