It seems a lot of assumptions are being made about these non-working wives.
- They sit around doing nothing all day.
- They refuse to work even though their husbands might want them to.
- They are totally unprepared for the idea that their husband might not always be there for them.
- If their husband leaves or dies, they will be totally alone and unsupported.
- Simultaneously that they are perfectly capable of getting jobs now, but if their husbands leave or die they will be incapable of working.
It's really not an unreasonable scenario to say that everyone is happy with the husband taking care of earning the money and the wife taking care of the household. That they live reasonably and have savings that the wife could fall back on if need be. That if the husband died, the family/community would step in until the wife would either remarry (if the culture is that strict) or go to work then. Maybe they own their house outright (which I understand is important to a lot of cultures that work like this) so she either doesn't have to pay rent or can sell the house for money. That they, uh, do actually love each other and decided to get married of their own free will!
This whole website is about choosing not to work for money. If you have a setup that lets you do that and everyone is OK with it, what's the problem? My husband has loved having me mostly at home while he earns most of the money. If he dies, I have a big cushion of money to catch me while I sort myself out for the long term. This is not a crazy scenario that is automatically oppressive and foolhardy.
Funny story about the bolded part:
My wife is a teacher, and we just had a child last year. I've set up our finances and lifestyle in such a way that we could get by on just my income. Over the summer when she wasn't working, I told her that I wanted her to practice being a stay-at-home-mom so that we could see how things went.
She took care of our child and nothing else. She didn't clean, cook, do laundry, or anything helpful around the house. Instead, when she wasn't actively taking care of our child, she watched television.
I know better than to buy the story that it's exhausting enough to take care of a child, because I have a four day work week and stay home with him on Fridays. During that time, I take care of him and get a lot of household chores and projects done. He sleeps 16+ hours per day.
I'm a bit happy that she failed, because we wouldn't be investing anything if she didn't have an income. I also don't think she really wants to stay at home, even if she dislikes her job. Having no human contact outside of the family can get old real fast, and her only friends are coworkers.