My in-laws...
At the beginning of our marriage when it became clear to me that they expected him to support them-even though they weren't employed, and aren't too old to be able to be employed- I convinced him that he had to put our family (marriage and children) first, and then could support them with a set amount, but that could not be sending entire pay check to support parents... he continues to do so, sending about $50/ month, with more for birthdays, and other gift giving occasions. I've accepted that this will be how it is until they pass away (MIL is 55, FIL 66, FIL has some health issues, but his mother is still living, MIL is a non-compliant diabetic, who's mother passed from complications from diabetes before she was 60)
My Sister in law is shaping up to take a leaf out of her parents book. She came to visit "us" (really to visit friends she'd made on a previous visit including a boyfriend), and she and boyfriend decided to get married. Knowing this will involve immigration paperwork after the wedding to change her status to a permanent resident, and having investigated how much this would cost (personal experience with the cost of immigration paperwork), we encouraged her to have basically city hall wedding, costing only the paperwork, and then be able to save the rest for the impending immigration costs. Boyfriends family convince them they'll be better off having a post wedding party because the groom's family give good wedding presents, often large amounts of cash.
We said, your choice, here's some $ for a wedding present to put toward the immigration costs. She told DH of others also giving cash presents, to a total of at least $1500.
She's now asking for help with the immigration costs. Says the costs will be about $2000, and they just don't have it (that's about what we figured it would be and told them so before they got married) and they need $800 for a deposit on a different apartment for when their current contract is up (they knew that before they signed the 4 month subletting agreement).
He works 2 jobs, pest control and works as a waiter at an upscale restaurant, and she babysits for some friends while waiting for her work visa. Between the two of them she says they're still unable to save. Is it horrible of me to think, maybe you should have saved like we said you'd need to? Maybe you can't afford to eat out several times a week, and lay off on the vacations, shopping for anything other than food etc.? I'm reluctant to help (she called it a loan, but I'm doubtful we'd ever get it back), fearing we'd become the bank of big brother when they have cash flow problems in the future, especially when I can see that their cash flow issues stem from a lack of budgeting, while trying to keep up with their friends (one of whom is bank rolled by daddy).