Just when I thought my BIL and SIL couldn't get any more ridiculous, they out do themselves...
BIL and SIL work in "oil country", making decent salaries (He is an engineer, she is a teacher). They are in their mid 30s, live in a Mini McMansion in a suburb, have 2 young children, and have an affinity for fancy cars.
They are constantly car swapping, upgrading, selling, buying etc. Currently they have a fancy jeep thing, and a big hecking escalade with all the fixins. They also have a lambourgini (for fun??). It is slightly older (2006 I think?) but still, the cost of keeping that thing on the road+ monthly payments are more than what we pay for a mortgage.
MrHH was talking to his brother last night, and we were informed that they are selling the lambo. Finally, we thought, they are realizing that spending that much money on a car is ridiculous....
Nope. They are selling the lambo to "BUY" A FERRARI. Shipping it up from the states, probably going to end up costing them over 200k CAD. Plus all the incidental fees of that car. Even if he resells this car in 3-5 years (as seems to be the pattern), we figure interest+depreciation+ maintenance+ insurance will cost him 20-30k a year.
Now fair enough, it is their money, and if they want to work until they are 70 to pay for this fancy car habit, more power to them, but what drives us nuts is that they often complain about how hard it would be for them to move back closer to family because they "can't afford" the pay cut, and how "lucky" Mr.HH and I are to be closer to family. Their life is so hard.
Grumble grumble.
Meanwhile we are over here feeling bad about eating fancy snacks we purchased on a whim and how we "wasted" $11.99.