Compared to the above posts this post is very light, but I wanted to share.
Over the past 3 months I have lived with my in-laws. I am very very fortunate that they let us stay with them, and they have been feeding us etc. while Mr.HH and I look for a house. We owe them big time. (I'm considering writing them a cheque, but they probably won't cash it...they are hard to shop for.)
That all being said, there are small things that they (early 60s) do differently than us (30), that make us chuckle. (Note, they seem to be happy with their lives, and we haven't complained/critiqued any of this, again we are grateful, but just interesting to see how they live their life vs us!). They are retired, FIL from disability back when he was 51, is now 65. MIL retired at 57, but still works part time. Both have some sort of pension.
- They buy so many options of things (not just 1 or two types of fruit...but ALL THE FRUIT), and then cook huge meals with so many options (not just turkey, but HAM, and SAUSAGES!) and have leftovers- but then don't have a plan for the leftovers. I can't imagine how much waste they are producing.
- My MIL came home from her part time retirement gig planning she was going to host people for dinner, and bought pre-shredded cheese for tacos because she was SO TIRED and "it was easier to deal with". Mr.HH and I were around to help! FIL was home ALL DAY, he could have prepped the dinner.
- They buy a lot of pre-cut/pre-washed veggies/fruit, single packages of food, keurig coffee- all these "costly" short cuts that totally make sense if you have little kiddos at home/working full time etc. But nope...we have two retired folk who watch a crazy amount of TV, who think of all these things as good deals!
- Which leads me to- SO MUCH TV. Omg it is on all the time. That is their main hobby.
- Very little recycling. My FIL doesn't believe in recycling, thinks it actually hurts the environment, and it is all a government scam. Don't get him started on green energy and electric cars!
- Stress over things they can't control: They watch the news, or see a story on facebook, and are PERSONALLY IMPACTED by these stories. Driving around the city/traffic is stressful, weather events are stressful. EVERYTHING IS STRESSFUL.
- Tolerance of things: In the past 3 months my FIL has purchased the following items- New computer (his old one was a bit slow), new dryer (old one was acting weird, probably a loose door latch), new snow tires for the car (old ones were new, just not good enough). He will start looking for a new car soon (he trades in his car every 3 years and continuously carries a loan). Meanwhile MIL works the part time gig to save money to visit her other son and grandchildren across the country.
- FIL is very unhealthy (severely obese, shortness of breath, joint problems, high BP etc. etc.), but considers himself an expert on health, and critiques anyone who is active. MIL/FIL were very concerned when Mr.HH came home from the gym slightly stiff from working out. Comments like "you shouldn't push yourself so hard!" and "so and so started working out, and then died of a heart attack!" are common.
- Meals are mostly meat and carbs, with a few veggies (FIL skips those because he is concerned they may cause kidney stones??), everything is covered in ketchup/dressing/sugary sauces.
I want to say some of the difference are age/generational, but my BIL and his wife have a lot of the above habits (even though they live far away)! It would have been interesting to see if Mr.HH and I hadn't moved away for 6+ years, discovered MMM, decided we cared about our health/the environment, if we would be the same?