it is worse to watch than baseball or golf, and I enjoy watching both of those.
Not to defend soccer, but if you're comparing it to two things you enjoy watching, of course it will be "worse to watch."
That doesn't detract from my point. I can't stand watching soccer. I don't want to have to watch it, and if my kid plays it, I'll have to watch it.
I grew up playing soccer, rugby and field hockey. I still play when I can.
I can't stand to watch soccer anymore since I like to use my time effectively. For me, sports is about playing, not glued to the screen. I love NCAA Football, can't stand the NFL primadonna soap operas. But honestly, for any sport with commercials, I can't watch more than a few minutes. I'm lucky I have a local NHL team and my alma mater is local too, for both the cheap tickets fix my itch.
My comeuppance is on the way soon, kids
will* start playing it. My only 'hope and change' is that my girls continue with gymnastics. I will feel your pain. For all the bitchin' I do about why America hates soccer, if you can't beat 'em, then join 'em. I'm not going to coach, not going to be soccer dad. I'll be working out on the sidelines or working on my side business.
I think my problem for watching TV is that I hardly watch anything. If I do, it may be any of 8 local PBS channels. If not that, then recorded TV which is stripped of commercials. Otherwise, it's movies.
*Because ze wife wants the kids to. Because fuck democracy in the house.