That's awesome! What type of job did you get? My daughter would like to travel and loves culture and languages (and is very good at them). I'd love to give her more ideas of job possibilities.
Depending how good her language skills are (or how much more time she's willing/able to invest in improving them), any of the following is a pretty obvious option--though again it also depends what her other interests and priorities are:
- Teaching (this will require a teaching certificate if she wants to work in public schools, but WARN HER AWAY from doing a French PhD in hopes of becoming a college professor--almost the only college French teaching jobs available these days are adjunct positions, which are absolutely awful, with no benefits or job security; in any given year you're lucky if there are more than 8-10 tenure track French professor jobs available in the ENTIRE United States, including jobs at tiny community colleges in horrible places hardly anyone wants to live, and I guarantee each of those jobs will have 500-1000 applicants--it's a terrible market)
- Hospitality (hotels, restaurants, etc., domestic or international; or major-city Chambers of Commerce)
- Tourism (e.g. being a tour guide--I know a guy who started a company that does bicycle tours in France; he goes there several times a year, that's his life now)
- Translation
- Interpretation
- Country-specific commerce (e.g. working for a wine importer or some other type of company that does a lot of business with France; fashion and cinema might be two other areas where there would be this type of work; as a similar though non-French example I heard of a high-fashion shoe store run by a woman who goes to Spain at least twice a year to find new shoe styles she wants to import)