Not to derail the foam but, I always knew the day would come when would have to make this post.
My aunt recently turned 60 and has been complaining non-stop for the past 2 years about how sick she is of her job and how desperate she is move to Florida. For the past 20 years, auntie has had a VERY high travel, high stress job (~25 international trips and ~100 domestic ones per year) as the point-person for the maintenance of some critical networks. I always knew she was well compensated for all the sacrifice her job required since she:
-Lives ALONE in a 3000 (4000?) sq. ft. 5-bedroom McMansion she had built
-Said house is stuffed with STUFF (not hoarder level - just the usual furniture, nick-nacks, hundreds of pieces of clothes, scuba equipment, etc.)
-Keeps two large dogs (easily 10K a year in kenneling/dog watching expenses since she's on the road 6-7 months of the year)
-Owns a 40 ft boat that's really too large for her to handle herself
I thought she was making ~200K a year and spending it all. Yesterday she let slip that she's making over $450K. Even if on average she made "only" $250k for the last 20 years, that's $5M in income and she probably has a negative network.
Until recently, my family has been fine with all this, it's her life after all. This last year though she's gone on and on about moving to Florida and downshifting to a less stressful job - which she could easily do if she sold 85% of her stuff and found a nice two bed room on the water. Initially, that was her plan...two years later and now she's looking at 4bd houses and talking about how it'll "only" be 8-12K to ship all her (worthless) furniture down from Boston.
It's so frustrating being able to see how easily she could change her life and she just WON'T DO IT.