In-laws. 2 years since getting engaged, I think I'm finally figuring out how to respond to them. Last year, they had a $350 inspection fee for their insurance to cover fixing ice dams that led to water damage in several rooms in their house. They didn't have the cash to cover it, partly because they had recently helped my now DH in a major way, so we had been paying them back over 4-5 months. Well when they needed that money suddenly we just took the rest of what we owed out of savings and sent a check to them. I thought the lack of money was due to having recently helped DH by a fairly large amount of money.
Apparently not.
They usually get a $1,000-$1,500 refund from the IRS every year. This year they owe $2,000. They won't tell DH, or really me, about their tax situation to explain this sudden large change. My only guess is that all the overtime my FIL worked last year changed the number of "correct" allowances to claim so they under-withheld. Do they have any savings to cover this? NONE. FIL has been working overtime every day of the week to get enough money to pay. MIL is going to have surgery soon, is not currently working like she usually does, and will need to pay for whatever health insurance doesn't cover. They have no money saved for this. They are empty nesters and might be in a worse situation now than when their kids were home. At first this angered and frustrated me, then I moved to worry, and now I shake my head and try to let it go. This is just how they are, and I don't know that they, especially my MIL, actually want to change. So now I keep my nose out of it. But really, not even $2,000 in savings?!? And they already have a 401k loan out for previously mentioned DH expenses. Which we promptly paid them back for, but most of that money went towards the inspection and redoing some rooms. Because obviously when you repaint due to water damage that's your opportunity do redo your decor.
I nod and try to look sympathetic. But DH says that what I'm thinking tends to show up on my face, so idk how well I'm pulling this off. We're going to see them in a few weeks. I should start practicing...