On a work trip to Colorado, over beers and dinner, a co-worker, who's one of the team leads, introduced me to his young engineer that he's training to replace him in a couple of years, as he wants to go part-time once he turns 55. One of the guys on my team says, hey that's funny, JingaNation has that same goal to reach in another 8-10 years. (My boss knows that's my target and he's cool with it, we have a friendly competition going.)
We end up talking early retirement. Then, one of the scrum masters says she's into that too. She wants to retire early and travel when her pilot husband (who's older) retires, in the next 10 years.
Next, the conversation shifts entirely to passive investing and index funds. One of the new young engineers is skeptical that he's sitting amidst a bunch of 2 comma club members, he believes in crypto and NFT etc (kid grew up in the "Kansas" area of Colorado). Gave him a couple of titles from the Bogleheads recommended reading list to start with, and some are available as audiobooks.
Today, he asked me for more info to read, so I let him loose on the Bogleheads wiki. And he said the other new guy and new gal in the next cubes are interested too.
Bizarre yet awesome. Going back there in January, so more conversations are probably going to happen.