I think sometimes some of us on the forums lose track of how privileged we might be.
For most folks starting out, I think it's wise to budget, to draw hard lines in the sand about what will be spent in a given month and what will have to wait until a later time. Last I read, over 50% of Americans don't have enough savings for more than a couple of months, so it's not like they are in position to just keep going over budget again and again and again, or to just "track" things without making real changes.
Even here, the Case Studies section is full of people asking for help tightening things up. And yes, there are plenty of responses like, "Spend less on groceries," or "Do you really need that much in travel/entertainment?" If those are serious adjustments to be made, I'd anticipate the poster will actually put some hard limits on those areas, at least for a while, instead of just "keeping an eye on it."
We haven't budgeted for a few years, mostly because we've been making more money and hell it's EASIER to not budget and have that hard sit down talk every month. But I'm tracking Feb's expenses and I think we need to revisit putting some caps on some categories (food, stuff for the house, stuff for our kids) that has gotten very loose.
*disclaimer, I still think Dave Ramsey is horrible, I just don't think telling people to stay on budgets, especially while they're in debt, is a bad idea