I'm a bit "trapped" with the golden handcuffs of a decent pension and health insurance for life, as long as I stay until I'm 57. I really want to leave by 52, but the health insurance and instant access to pension, tsp, etc, will keep me there.
What motivates me:
The .0001% chance that my position may ever be eligible for an early out if they came up again. We are a 24/7 position, and run with a minimum crew size, so they'd have to change the way we do the job in order to eliminate a position. I'd be eligible for an early out as far as years of service when I am 46. I want to know that I am set up as possible to jump on this if it were to ever come up (there is no COLA until you turn 62, and my pension would be less than full-age due to fewer years of service, but if I do it all "right", I'll be fine).
As it is, if I go as I have until full retirement, and stocks go along no worse than they have historically, I'll have more money than I'll know what to do with. I started a lot of things very young (worked since I was in fifth grade, had my son when I was 18, bought a house when I was 19, started my retirement fund when I was 21...) so the compounding interest and other things have been on my side (while life, and a few dumb decisions, on the other hand have often fought to hold me back!)
So, I seek balance. Right now I can still claim my son as a dependent, but not much longer. So, I reduced my retirement savings from almost max to 7% of my income. More money in my hand now means more I can set aside to help him with college.
I also have a few interim goals that keep me from just blowing money frivolously... I want to build a house on my property in the woods. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to live where I am surrounded by trees (where I have lived my whole life is semi-arid desert.)
I love to travel, so I have to save for this as well.
One thing I love about my job is my schedule. It's rotating 12 hour shifts, but two pay periods line up perfectly to give me 16 days off for just 16 hours of vacation time. So, another goal is to visit a different country at least once a year for two weeks. I'm taking a solo week long road trip later this month to go to a concert in a state I've never been to (I could have got great seats, but I chose a lawn ticket instead). I don't just save for retirement, but I set money aside for the fun stuff too.
Sure, I could continue to max everything, but I've decided my early start has given me enough of an edge that I can relax a little early and enjoy life, when many of my peers are just starting to think about their future in retirement.
So, I keep saving, but I don't deprive myself of living my life now either. It really comes down to your priorities. What is worth saving/spending for you? What can you sacrifice without it being a sacrifice at all?