I've been searching for this kind of thread, so please forgive me if it's been discussed prior.
For those who do not like their jobs or for those who feel that they are not accomplishing anything in their work, the drive to RE is completely understandable. Also, the desire to get out from under the out-of-one's-control schedule and not-my-timing deadlines is completely understandable.
However, FI aside, I'm wondering what is the reason for retiring early? If one's work is meaningful both professionally and personally, and if the benefit to society and humanity from one's work is substantial, I'm wondering what has been the tipping point for those who have been in similar situations and have retired early? Have you found another avenue in which to use the gifts of your time, effort, and skills?
I love the MMM philosophy of living simply, not being fleeced into buying junk that one doesn't need, and questioning the expensive lifestyle goals of so many people. However, I'm wondering, tied in with all of these ideas, is there room to be passionate about one's work and contribution to society?