The site has large group of people who dare to do something most others would not, one reason I like to come here.
To make a long story longer, we have about a 3 acre lot that we have lived on for the past 25 years. When we bought the place it had very few trees, today its loaded with trees, to give some scale the first year we bought the place we planted 1,000+ trees. We planted mostly pines, fur, etc., over the years we dug up and sold a few, gave some away, enjoyed cutting down Christmas trees for our own family use to keep the grove healthy.
One most enjoyable part was selling Christmas trees to people who like to come and cut one down, this was short time for us being that we did not have that many trees we wanted to be removed, I would guess we sold around 100-200 Christmas Trees.
I have run across a small 20 acre plot that at one time was a Christmas Tree Farm, for a tad less than $100k. Seriously thinking of buying and growing some Christmas Trees. The tree farm is way over grown with I would guess 20+ year old trees that would need to be logged/removed.
We know how to grow trees, that's the easy part, don't expect it to make much $, especially at first, it takes a good 6-7 years to get a tree. However do you think this could be a self supporting hobby? Would love to pass this on to my kids, that is if they want it plus make enough to get a vacation out of it at some point.
Anybody do something similar? Off the cuff I don't think 20 acres is enough but I maybe surprised!
We would start harvesting trees right around when we turn 55 or so, time is running out if this something we want to do:)