If you get a decent financial planner, the free telephone consultation doesn't have to be that painful. My PC advisor gave a couple of reasonable suggestions on how I might alter my investment plan, and it doesn't cost anything to listen to what they have to say. You can always ignore their advice.
In the end, all they really want to know is if you will let them manage your investments. They charge .89%/year up to $1MM, and .75% of AUM over $1MM.
I was honest with the guy and told him straight up there was no way I would ever be willing to spend that much money when VTSAX only charges .05%. A few months later I got another call from a woman at PC, and I was even more direct with her. I told her that not only would I not be willing to pay PC thousands of dollars a year to manage my money, but I wouldn't even allow PC to invest my money if they paid me, because I'm not convinced that their system is better than just buying stocks based on companies' market capitalization. The woman laughed and thanked me for, "being so honest." Haven't heard back from them since, and it's been over a year. Still use their free software all the time.