Just checking in for advice on how to optimize our Verizon plan.
We have been longtime Verizon customers, and do not want to switch, given coverage areas. But I know that we're not optimized.
- We have a low-data plan.
- We have three lines on it - mine, DH's, and his iPad.
- We do an auto-pay with DH's credit card, but he's never opted for the pre-paid discount, even though I've asked repeatedly.
- The account is in DH's name.
- We are still using phones we bought nearly 5 years ago, but the batteries are waning, and we're looking for possible new phones with larger HDs.
- Verizon offers new customers better options than those to existing customers.
What I am considering:
- Changing the account to my name (does this count as a new account?)
- Upping to an unlimited plan with the pre/auto-pay option, which is about the same cost as what we're paying now.
- That would get us free new phones.
- We would also get a bundle for Disney+, which we're currently paying for.
All of this hinges on swapping me out as the account holder = new account. Any ideas as to whether that is an acceptable definition for the account benefits?