EDIT: The site has launched. https://www.theearthawaits.com/
Hi All,
So, I am working on a bit of a side project that exists at the intersection of FIRE and world travel. As many who know me or read my blog know, my future wife and I hope to FIRE and spend a good amount of time slow traveling. The series of posts on the blog that have been most popular have been those where I present a collection of places where a very limited monthly FIRE budget would support a comfortable and interesting life.
I had a recent conversation with my future father in law. He was bemoaning the fact that his brothers have all retired, and said something like, "But not me, they'll find me dead at my desk someday." It upset my fiancée, and it upset me too. He is drawing a full maxed-out Social Security, but lives a pretty tough life working full time in a stressful job because we live in a hugely expensive area. It occurred to me that the US (and the world) is full of people who might benefit from hard data showing what kind of life their limited income could buy them if they could consider a move (abroad or at least out of the area).
I'm working on a new way of presenting this information that I'm hopeful will appeal to a huge swath of people, even those not interested in FIRE. What I could use, as I develop the idea, is some help in zeroing in on the most important information to you when considering a retirement, or even just a long stay, somewhere abroad or across your own country.
Consider this list of pieces of information to which I have access. Which are the most important to you? Is there information NOT on this list that is very important to you? Let me know! It would be a huge help to me in making this little project something that is able to help more people. I'll explain more in the coming month or two as I get the tool into a usable state. It works already... but before I make it public, it's important that I get it as polished as possible.
- Monthly cost of living for a variety of lifestyles in each city
- The ability to customize your own budget
- Beautiful images
- Local Internet speed
- Quality of Health Care
- Crime Rate
- Average Hotel cost
- Traffic levels
- Pollution levels
- Local Real Estate Prices
- Local Points of Interest and Activities
- Proximity to specific amenities such as: Beach, Mountains, Forest, International Airport, World Class Hospital
In sincerely appreciate any input. I am hopeful that I'm not unreasonably optimistic, but I feel like what I'm working on could be a great tool for people on the path to FIRE, and might even change the lives of some people who have retirement in their grasp, but just don't know it.