Author Topic: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)  (Read 5314121 times)


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8700 on: June 15, 2021, 10:08:56 AM »
When you think about it is sad that people attach such value to stuff. I rather remember my grandparents and have one or two Nice things as a memory then a cluttered house with half of their household. I have a hammer my grandfather gave me and a bowl he carved from wood. It always makes me happy to use the hammer. I have some jewelry from my grandmother, a bowl and some plates. That is quite enough. Gifts that I don’t like vanishes fast from my household while my mother seems to keep most of it. But she has also learned that things that we don’t like vanishes so we have reached a compromise regarding gifts but it took some while.

Mighty Eyebrows

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8701 on: June 15, 2021, 11:10:44 AM »

You should check the details for the particular car.

(the difference between premium-required and premium-recommended)

Yes, hence why I said they should check the particular car.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8702 on: June 15, 2021, 12:01:28 PM »
I love the plate idea! Well, anything that matches your set. My mom was this way too, but for a different reason. She didn't want to think about what I might like for any given occasion, she just wanted me to collect something that was easy for her to add to. I am not a collector, so this was as hard for me as it is for you.

At some point, I was given a large Lladro angel.* It was very large, so I took it to my local Lladro shop and asked to exchange it for something smaller. Apparently, the large angel was rare-ish and in the original packaging, so they agreed to the swap. This kind of collectible is not my thing, and the credit from the angel was a lot. The place had so much selection! I wandered around, scanning all the cases. My eyes lit up when I saw a Nativity Scene consisting of sleek-lined Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. It seemed there were lots of complimentary pieces and the price for the trio was about the same as the angel, so I made the trade.** I knew my mom would be happy. I thought it was brilliant because nobody expects you to display a Nativity Scene all year long. What could go wrong?

Oopsie! The trio I selected were not part of a set. If one was careful, one could chose pieces from other sets that were the same size and were similar in their clean lines. As you've probably already guessed, my mom was not careful and I ended exchanging most of them for more suitable pieces. I kept one. It's a child dressed up as a Wise Man. It reminded me of some awful Christmas pageant in the long-distant past. I've managed to collect enough angels and animals, plus a creche, so that it looks reasonable, but every time I unpack the child wise man, oh, how the memories come flooding back.

*I was dating a guy who traveled internationally. When he was going to Spain, I asked him to pick up a small Lladro Guardian Angel statue that I knew my sister would like. He came home with the giant angel. **I was able to include the small piece that I originally wanted for my sister in the swap for the win.

Oh, and no hate, please. This was in the '80's when Lladros were a "thing". They were also a good price point for my mom, not too cheap, not too spendy.

That's a lot of words to say I feel your pain, @Imma.

P.S. Because every story is better with pictures, I grabbed a few. The guardian angel and child King M. are about 6.5" tall and Mary and Joseph are 7" & 9". The Angel from Barcelona was at least 15" tall, if not more. It was huge!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8703 on: June 15, 2021, 03:08:58 PM »
That's a clever idea for a collectible! Although now you've made me realize my mother would totally be the kind of person who would get the wrong pattern or the plates the wrong size or something like that. She's not the best gift-giver in the world, which is why she always used to give me cash. Last year was a milestone birthday for me, right in the middle of Covid, so I kind of expected it to be a one-off thing. I guess we'll have to go to the shop together.

@Sibley she's not horrible. But she's fragile and grieving. She lost her mum to Covid and was very ill herself. March last year I feared I would lose them both in one week. We all have difficulty processing the grief under these circumstances and my mum in particular - she had to put her grief on hold to physically recover first, and her physical recovery was long and difficult - she will probably never be as healthy as she was before. We weren't able to do any of the normal things that people do to process a death: get together with the family, have a proper funeral, atttend Mass together every Sunday for 6 weeks after the funeral and have a Mass said for the deceased, work together to clear out the house. One person cleared out her flat and packed a box of memento's for everyone. I was one of a handful of people able to attend a short burial service but my mother was so ill then that she didn't even attend her own mother's burial. Not being able to see anyone for more than a year, I think she has clung very much to the physical belongings that she got from her mother, and she's sad that she doesn't have any birthday presents (although she has a lot of other things). If this is still going on in a couple of years we maybe need to have a talk, but right now I don't want to upset her.

In my family, my mother and grandmother always sacrificied a lot for their families. They always wore the oldest clothes, didn't buy anything for themselves, I do think my mum thinks I'm like them and I'm too frugal. But I'm not. I don't have a family, I earn much more than they ever did, I don't have to make sacrifices, it's just that when you can afford to buy everything you want it's not really that interesting anymore. It's a shame actually, 10 years ago I would be so happy when I finally bought that new pair of shoes because I had saved up so long to get it, but now it's about as joyful as buying groceries. So the money piles up in my investment account. 

@Plina I actually have an above average amount of heirlooms in my house. I lost a lot of family members when I was college aged and still needed lots of things, and I claimed many beautiful things. But it's not clutter. My dining room chairs were handmade by my carpenter grandfather (75 years ago) and I also got my first washing machine this way. I like having beautiful functional items with a backstory, but I'm not a fan of clutter. But I think I have all the functional stuff I need now.

Morning Glory

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8704 on: June 15, 2021, 03:15:30 PM »
Llardro reminds me of my grandma!!! I inherited a small clown from her that's actually pretty cute.

A nice piece of clothing can last years. I still routinely wear a north face fleece that I got for Christmas five years ago. I've had my rubber gardening boots since I was about 15 too.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8705 on: June 15, 2021, 03:19:51 PM »
Imma, the fact that you have this MPP is a testament to your care for your mother. You are clearly applying the Platinum Rule in your response to her.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8706 on: June 16, 2021, 12:29:30 AM »
@Imma In my mind if you use it as you do it is not clutter. If you store it in cupboard because it is from grandpa and you never use it because it has no use for you it is clutter. Or as some relatives save their best china for some day that never comes. Why don’t you instead enjoy it while you can.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8707 on: June 16, 2021, 02:52:25 PM »
Just a thought...

Could you ask her to get you the Charbonnel & Walker truffles every year for your birthday?  Tell her, when she is gone, you will buy them for yourself.   Then you will think of her every time you have one.

Also, mention a few items she has now that you'd like to have after she is gone. 


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8708 on: June 16, 2021, 02:53:32 PM »
That's a clever idea for a collectible! Although now you've made me realize my mother would totally be the kind of person who would get the wrong pattern or the plates the wrong size or something like that. She's not the best gift-giver in the world, which is why she always used to give me cash. Last year was a milestone birthday for me, right in the middle of Covid, so I kind of expected it to be a one-off thing. I guess we'll have to go to the shop together.

I just wanted to highlight this paragraph, because this is my mom to a "T". And my solution was to set up a shopping date with her to go find a "new" work jacket or blouse once a year. It's turned out to be a genius way to approach it, because what is behind the gifting idea is the idea of a special connection. By spending the TIME with her, you are creating that connection. Even better, my mom now understands much more realistically as to how hard I am to fit in a lot of what she considers work clothing. It also means we have lunch and/or coffee out together, which means we can pace ourselves, since she has so much less stamina in her old age.

For Xmas gifts, I have selected things that are consumable, and I don't mean food. My mom is a bad gift giver, and for years used to say she wanted to give me something "personal." So bakeware wasn't personal; other things - like household implements (fireplace tools, BBQ tools) wasn't personal. I *finally* realized that her idea of "personal" is best defined as "something that touches the recipient's body." So consumable means something that works itself down through usage - a nice cologne; a fantastic shea butter foot cream from L'Occitane; luxurious new bath sheets to replace that snagged wedding gifts that are 20+ years old....

And finally - I now maintain an Amazon gift list, so as something occurs to me, I can add it in the moment. The beauty is that I then I have something to suggest when the question occurs. ;)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8709 on: June 17, 2021, 06:48:44 AM »
My mom is a bad gift giver, and for years used to say she wanted to give me something "personal." [...] I *finally* realized that her idea of "personal" is best defined as "something that touches the recipient's body."
I have a relative similar to this. It took me years to understand why she didn't like the gift suggestions I made when she asked. I would ask for something like an attachment for my Kitchenaid, which to me is a luxurious addition to my equipment that would increase the range and enjoyment of an activity I like. But to her it's a tool, and she wants to show how special I am, not to help me work more. Superfluity is almost a sine qua non of a good present in her eyes, because insofar as something is needed, giving it is not pampering the recipient.

And finally - I now maintain an Amazon gift list, so as something occurs to me, I can add it in the moment. The beauty is that I then I have something to suggest when the question occurs. ;)
Genius. I'm stealing this. Thank you!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8710 on: June 17, 2021, 09:06:21 AM »
I have a "note" in my phone called "Presents". I keep a list of things I, my husband and my children might like to receive, and things I might like to give various family members. Sometimes an idea lingers on the list and never gets given, but that's fine. It's just a few items jotted under a name. I only buy presents for my parents and brother's birthdays - for Christmas everyone gets a kid themed photo calendar. So it's not exactly onerous to maintain!

I also keep categorised Amazon wishlist for books, for me and for my children, because I receive/read so many book recommendations that I needed more of a "system".

My birthday is in October, so it's slightly cramping my style in asking for perennial plants, which worked well for a few years. A lot of stuff is either not available that time of year or needs to be pre-ordered months in advance, and my mother is big on transporting a physical item to me in person to "unwrap". Still, it's been a nice idea for a few years.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8711 on: June 22, 2021, 07:17:11 PM »
I've been granted a significant sum of phantom stock rights in my company. However, the earliest likely exercise date is later than my projected FIRE date. We'll see as it approaches, but I may end up with a temporary set of golden handcuffs.

Now if only I were eligible for the executive version of the plan, which not only qualifies for capital gains rather than regular income, but also vests much earlier and thus wouldn't be as restrictive...


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8712 on: June 22, 2021, 07:49:58 PM »
I decided my shoes would be just fine for one more month while we went on vacation. After all, the previous pairs of the same model lasted until the soles were worn thin. Those lasted  about a year each and this pair has only been in use for about six months. The very first time I put them back on after leaving the house, I found a a worn spot on the inside, in addition to the issues I had decided to overlook. We aren't even on the plane yet.

Please pray for me and my shoes. There are two more pairs of the same model under my bed at home, bought on clearance, but I try to stretch each pair as long as I can. I don't want to go shoe shopping on vacation, but this may have been a case of false economy.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8713 on: June 22, 2021, 08:14:23 PM »
I decided my shoes would be just fine for one more month while we went on vacation. After all, the previous pairs of the same model lasted until the soles were worn thin. Those lasted  about a year each and this pair has only been in use for about six months. The very first time I put them back on after leaving the house, I found a a worn spot on the inside, in addition to the issues I had decided to overlook. We aren't even on the plane yet.

Please pray for me and my shoes. There are two more pairs of the same model under my bed at home, bought on clearance, but I try to stretch each pair as long as I can. I don't want to go shoe shopping on vacation, but this may have been a case of false economy.

Next time deploy one of the new pairs for a trip, save the more decrepit ones for around town where getting home to the shoe stash will be easy.

Morning Glory

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8714 on: June 22, 2021, 08:41:52 PM »
I must extend a humble apology to those whom I questioned for doing so much laundry. After selling the house and moving to a rental I realize that I really did have a huge washing machine. 2 loads per week for four people is not normal. The new one doesn't look much smaller on the outside but the capacity is half or less. Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8715 on: June 22, 2021, 09:02:22 PM »
Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!
Pods!? What, is your dishwasher made by Keurig or something? (sounds wasteful)


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8716 on: June 23, 2021, 04:54:58 AM »
I must extend a humble apology to those whom I questioned for doing so much laundry. After selling the house and moving to a rental I realize that I really did have a huge washing machine. 2 loads per week for four people is not normal. The new one doesn't look much smaller on the outside but the capacity is half or less. Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!

My dishwasher is also the apartment size.  I use loose powder and separate rinse aid.  A pod is sized for a regular dishwasher.  If I used pods I would have to do extra rinses.

Morning Glory

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8717 on: June 23, 2021, 07:06:13 AM »
I must extend a humble apology to those whom I questioned for doing so much laundry. After selling the house and moving to a rental I realize that I really did have a huge washing machine. 2 loads per week for four people is not normal. The new one doesn't look much smaller on the outside but the capacity is half or less. Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!

My dishwasher is also the apartment size.  I use loose powder and separate rinse aid.  A pod is sized for a regular dishwasher.  If I used pods I would have to do extra rinses.

Thanks for the advice! I would have taken a while to realize what the problem was.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8718 on: June 23, 2021, 08:00:31 AM »
I must extend a humble apology to those whom I questioned for doing so much laundry. After selling the house and moving to a rental I realize that I really did have a huge washing machine. 2 loads per week for four people is not normal. The new one doesn't look much smaller on the outside but the capacity is half or less. Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!

My dishwasher is also the apartment size.  I use loose powder and separate rinse aid.  A pod is sized for a regular dishwasher.  If I used pods I would have to do extra rinses.

Thanks for the advice! I would have taken a while to realize what the problem was.

If you have the pods with loose powder, you can cut them open and use half a pod per load.

I suggest watching this episode of Technology Connections:


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8719 on: June 23, 2021, 08:04:03 AM »
Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!
Pods!? What, is your dishwasher made by Keurig or something? (sounds wasteful)

Different kind of pod (I assume). It's dishwasher detergent in a bio-degradable package that dissolves in the dishwasher.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8720 on: June 23, 2021, 08:36:19 AM »
They're also good eatin' -

In pod we trust.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8721 on: June 23, 2021, 08:51:46 AM »
Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!
Pods!? What, is your dishwasher made by Keurig or something? (sounds wasteful)
Different kind of pod (I assume). It's dishwasher detergent in a bio-degradable package that dissolves in the dishwasher.
Yeah, I've heard of them. I assume they are much more expensive than just buying a jug of dishwasher gel? Looks like ~3X the cost based on checking a few prices.

Morning Glory

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8722 on: June 23, 2021, 12:13:05 PM »
Dishwasher too. I will go through twice as many of those pods!
Pods!? What, is your dishwasher made by Keurig or something? (sounds wasteful)
Different kind of pod (I assume). It's dishwasher detergent in a bio-degradable package that dissolves in the dishwasher.
Yeah, I've heard of them. I assume they are much more expensive than just buying a jug of dishwasher gel? Looks like ~3X the cost based on checking a few prices.
We still have a bunch leftover from the couponing days. Husband got a little carried away with it for a while and we had the space to store them at the old house. Most of them were free or a few cents after rebates, which is a great way to get spend for those cc bonuses!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8723 on: June 24, 2021, 04:12:57 AM »

If you have the pods with loose powder, you can cut them open and use half a pod per load.

Ah yes, the elusive option that is both more expensive and less convenient


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8724 on: June 24, 2021, 05:19:05 PM »

If you have the pods with loose powder, you can cut them open and use half a pod per load.

Ah yes, the elusive option that is both more expensive and less convenient

Well, they were from Costco and when we just put the whole pod in it was super convenient as a pretty reasonable price at 11 cents per pod ;)

Once we use up the current supply at the house, I'll swap to boxed powder.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8725 on: June 24, 2021, 11:01:03 PM »
Sure pods sound convenient if you don’t need to cut them open and divide their contents


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8726 on: June 25, 2021, 03:06:58 AM »

If you have the pods with loose powder, you can cut them open and use half a pod per load.

Ah yes, the elusive option that is both more expensive and less convenient
Not to mention vastly more damaging to the environment.

Pods are such a stupid idea, I am sure a Florida Man has invented them.

Morning Glory

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8727 on: June 25, 2021, 07:16:15 AM »

If you have the pods with loose powder, you can cut them open and use half a pod per load.

Ah yes, the elusive option that is both more expensive and less convenient
Not to mention vastly more damaging to the environment.

Pods are such a stupid idea, I am sure a Florida Man has invented them.

I'm not sure about that. They might take more energy to manufacture but they are lighter weight and use less packaging than the equivalent "loads" of liquid soap, so it takes less energy to ship them.

 I'm sure powdered soap is best but I've had trouble getting it to dissolve, so I always use liquid unless I can get the pods cheaper.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8728 on: June 25, 2021, 07:48:24 AM »
I believe the important thing environmentally is to use as little as possible of whatever.
Which basically makes pods worse because they are dosed to work even in the biggest dishwasher with the greasiest dishes - making them vastly overdosed for normal use. For a normal load less than half a pod works. Same for the powder etc, you can usually use much less than they say on the package.
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8729 on: June 25, 2021, 09:12:05 AM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8730 on: June 25, 2021, 09:45:31 AM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.

Before you find yourself reducing quantity of laundry detergent, check if the clothes themselves need to be washed.  Most people wash clothes and sheets unnecessarily - ie, before they exhibit noticeable smell.  If you're washing clothes that aren't dirty, you can get away with using much less detergent . . . but still end up being worse for the environment.

Morning Glory

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8731 on: June 25, 2021, 10:14:59 AM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.

Before you find yourself reducing quantity of laundry detergent, check if the clothes themselves need to be washed.  Most people wash clothes and sheets unnecessarily - ie, before they exhibit noticeable smell.  If you're washing clothes that aren't dirty, you can get away with using much less detergent . . . but still end up being worse for the environment.

I have little boys who pee the bed regularly. I put a little baking soda in there with the regular detergent to get rid of the smell.

I will confess to running the clothes dryer this week too. (Maybe this goes on the wall of shame???). We just moved from 2500sf house to 900sf apartment and everything was so jumbled that there was no room to set up the racks. It took me forever just to find the extra sheets. The complex does not allow clothes lines for whatever reason.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8732 on: June 25, 2021, 12:24:20 PM »
The complex does not allow clothes lines for whatever reason.

Now there is a true Mustachian problem!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8733 on: June 25, 2021, 12:25:57 PM »
They're also good eatin' -

In pod we trust.

Reminds me of Ramona Quimby, playing Hansel and Gretel, sticking her rubber doll into her sister's birthday cake baking in the oven.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8734 on: June 25, 2021, 12:46:50 PM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.
Yup, that's a classic Tightwad Gazette strategy that still works.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8735 on: June 26, 2021, 01:58:45 AM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.
Yup, that's a classic Tightwad Gazette strategy that still works.

Cool! Might have to buy that book afterall :)

My MMP: two ladybug larvae were eating the aphids on a plant on my (very small, hence MMP) balcony but now there don't seem to be  any aphids left - what about my poor ladybug larvae?!
(I'll take them to my parent's garden this evening ;) )


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8736 on: June 26, 2021, 02:25:53 AM »
My MPP is I'm so good at not paying attention to the news, I totally missed the announcement of impending lockdown this afternoon, until alerted to it by a member of this forum.

[In my defense, it was a glorious afternoon to be out and enjoying the day instead of checking my phone.]


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8737 on: June 26, 2021, 06:29:53 AM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.

Before you find yourself reducing quantity of laundry detergent, check if the clothes themselves need to be washed.  Most people wash clothes and sheets unnecessarily - ie, before they exhibit noticeable smell.  If you're washing clothes that aren't dirty, you can get away with using much less detergent . . . but still end up being worse for the environment.

I have little boys who pee the bed regularly. I put a little baking soda in there with the regular detergent to get rid of the smell.

I will confess to running the clothes dryer this week too. (Maybe this goes on the wall of shame???). We just moved from 2500sf house to 900sf apartment and everything was so jumbled that there was no room to set up the racks. It took me forever just to find the extra sheets. The complex does not allow clothes lines for whatever reason.

Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8738 on: June 26, 2021, 08:03:26 AM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.

Before you find yourself reducing quantity of laundry detergent, check if the clothes themselves need to be washed.  Most people wash clothes and sheets unnecessarily - ie, before they exhibit noticeable smell.  If you're washing clothes that aren't dirty, you can get away with using much less detergent . . . but still end up being worse for the environment.

I have little boys who pee the bed regularly. I put a little baking soda in there with the regular detergent to get rid of the smell.

I will confess to running the clothes dryer this week too. (Maybe this goes on the wall of shame???). We just moved from 2500sf house to 900sf apartment and everything was so jumbled that there was no room to set up the racks. It took me forever just to find the extra sheets. The complex does not allow clothes lines for whatever reason.

Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8739 on: June 26, 2021, 03:19:58 PM »
I read a neat suggestion once to evaluate how much is actually necessary: use less and less unless the dishes stay a bit dirty and then use just a bit more :)

That works for laundry detergent too.

Before you find yourself reducing quantity of laundry detergent, check if the clothes themselves need to be washed.  Most people wash clothes and sheets unnecessarily - ie, before they exhibit noticeable smell.  If you're washing clothes that aren't dirty, you can get away with using much less detergent . . . but still end up being worse for the environment.

I have little boys who pee the bed regularly. I put a little baking soda in there with the regular detergent to get rid of the smell.

I will confess to running the clothes dryer this week too. (Maybe this goes on the wall of shame???). We just moved from 2500sf house to 900sf apartment and everything was so jumbled that there was no room to set up the racks. It took me forever just to find the extra sheets. The complex does not allow clothes lines for whatever reason.

Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.

I once hung my clothes dry in Shanghai. They felt absolutely dry. I then packed them and flew to Canada the next day. Took my clothes out in Toronto, and they felt damp. Had to hang them for a day before they felt dry. That was my MPP. Sometimes I just wear the clothes even if they’re a bit damp. When it’s that humid, you’re likely sweating buckets anyway so your clothes are going to be damp anyway.

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8740 on: June 26, 2021, 04:00:35 PM »
I got the place more organized now so that there's room to air dry the clothes indoors. It still feels messy and disorganized in here, but it's better than it was before.

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8741 on: June 27, 2021, 05:22:02 AM »
My business trip got unexpectedly extended by a week.  My MPP, I need to buy some laundry pods (they are great for travel) because I didn’t think to bring the half bag from my house.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8742 on: June 28, 2021, 09:35:10 AM »
My institution is now withholding 457B contributions from faculty pay on summer supplemental contracts; I learned this from my monthly paystub. This is actually fantastic, but my MPP is that I now have to make adjustments and my HR people are confused by this.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8743 on: June 28, 2021, 11:30:32 AM »
Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.

A quirk of how air holds water means that hot and humid weather actually generally dries clothes faster than cool and dry.  As long as the relative humidity isn't close to 100%.  It's pretty humid here in the summer, but on days when it's hot (ie any time it's not raining) the clothes get dry much quicker than they would on dry days during the other times of the year. 


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8744 on: June 28, 2021, 12:23:11 PM »
Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.

A quirk of how air holds water means that hot and humid weather actually generally dries clothes faster than cool and dry.  As long as the relative humidity isn't close to 100%.  It's pretty humid here in the summer, but on days when it's hot (ie any time it's not raining) the clothes get dry much quicker than they would on dry days during the other times of the year.

Air movement is important.  Hot humid and breezy works, hot humid and still and clothes stay damp.

Clothes also dry in cold air much better if there is a breeze.  I'm not fond of outdoor drying in cold weather, it is hard to get frozen fabric (especially sheets) off the line.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8745 on: June 28, 2021, 12:26:17 PM »
Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.

A quirk of how air holds water means that hot and humid weather actually generally dries clothes faster than cool and dry.  As long as the relative humidity isn't close to 100%.  It's pretty humid here in the summer, but on days when it's hot (ie any time it's not raining) the clothes get dry much quicker than they would on dry days during the other times of the year.

I've found this too.  We'll get humidity in the 80s to high 90s in the summer, and clothes dry very quickly outside in the sun.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8746 on: June 28, 2021, 02:34:11 PM »
Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.

A quirk of how air holds water means that hot and humid weather actually generally dries clothes faster than cool and dry.  As long as the relative humidity isn't close to 100%.  It's pretty humid here in the summer, but on days when it's hot (ie any time it's not raining) the clothes get dry much quicker than they would on dry days during the other times of the year.

I've found this too.  We'll get humidity in the 80s to high 90s in the summer, and clothes dry very quickly outside in the sun.
Current temp  106F/41C (expected high of 115F  46C)
17% relative humidity Dew point 52.8F 11C

I wonder how much laundry drying it would take to get a swamp-cooling effect?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8747 on: June 28, 2021, 05:26:47 PM »
Ah, to live in a state with dry air...

I'm pretty sure that our clothes could hang outside for a week and never get dry here.

I normally hang dry about 2/3 of my clothes. Right now, only the stuff that simply can't go in the dryer. Humidity is fun. At least it's 80 with 80% humidity.

A quirk of how air holds water means that hot and humid weather actually generally dries clothes faster than cool and dry.  As long as the relative humidity isn't close to 100%.  It's pretty humid here in the summer, but on days when it's hot (ie any time it's not raining) the clothes get dry much quicker than they would on dry days during the other times of the year.

I've found this too.  We'll get humidity in the 80s to high 90s in the summer, and clothes dry very quickly outside in the sun.
Current temp  106F/41C (expected high of 115F  46C)
17% relative humidity Dew point 52.8F 11C

I wonder how much laundry drying it would take to get a swamp-cooling effect?
Hopefully, way more clothing and linens than you own..


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8748 on: June 29, 2021, 10:48:11 PM »
My business trip got unexpectedly extended by a week.  My MPP, I need to buy some laundry pods (they are great for travel) because I didn’t think to bring the half bag from my house.

I'm really liking the laundry strips for travel, and for every week at home. At home I use 3/4 or a full strip, and for handwashing or travel I use little torn pieces. Packs super small - so I can have 6 full-size loads worth of laundry strips always with my travel items, which will last me through weeks of travel without refilling.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #8749 on: June 30, 2021, 04:35:09 AM »
I'm in the process of rolling over my old 401k to my Vanguard IRA.  The funds were withdrawn yesterday and will take a week to get to Vanguard according to the confirmation notice I received.  So for the next week my net worth balance on Personal Capital will be almost 600k off.  This is seriously f-ing with my financial ocd.  Here's hoping the market doesn't spike for some crazy reason before I can get the money reinvested.