Wow, I really do live in the People's Republic of Austin! At the city's dominant grocery chain, there is:
-A standard understanding that you might have brought your own bags
-A charge (23 cents plus tax = 25 cents) to buy a bag
-A self checkout line
-In the lines that have a cashier, there's room for bagging after checkout
-In the lines that have a cashier, there is a person who bags groceries, but if you bag your own, they let you
-Sometimes the bagging person isn't there anyway
-There's a bag recycling bin for any plastic bags that need to be recycled, and the bags they sell are recyclable
My MPP, then, is that some people still buy the #%&* bags every single time instead of bringing them from home. And the bags in use now are 10 times as thick as the old kind. And those who buy them sometimes throw them away instead of recycling. So I save the bags in our house, but never have a use for the extras that flow in from the roommate who buys from scratch.
Despite the price, I think the total plastic use is equal or higher to the system when we just had thin free plastic bags. :(