I am FI, though I have based this on a modest spending.
I do donate and have for a long time. It is as important to me to help other people out as it is to make ends meet for myself.
My donations are regular and strategic:
(1) A monthly donation to Doctors Without Borders, because in every international crisis that comes along, they are already there. Ebola is a case in point, where they did the bulk of the support to countries during the ebola outbreaks. Donating regularly means the money is there when they need it.
My income varies a lot -- sometimes very high, sometimes low. The monthly donation is the same. I figure I have always found a way to pay other fixed expenses, so I find a way to pay this. This is a fixed expense in my projections for retirement.
(2) A monthly loan on Kiva.com. (The minimum loan is $25.) I have made enough loans now that this is basically self-sustaining. I loan to women. I am usually loan to women in rural settings, involved in agriculture or who have a serious personal housing issue they need help with. I alternate loaning to groups, who seem to be able to pay the loans off more easily and to individual women. I usually loan to older women, or to women supporting their parents. At any one time, I have loans out that go to or are shared by 17 to 70 women at a time.
(3) I used to do a monthly donation to the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which supports grassroots organizations helping families suffering from the AIDS pandemic in Africa. The organization has done huge amounts of important work, but over the last couple of years I found I was getting very little information from them, so I've cut that donation off.
(4) This would send a good number of MMM Forum members into a stroke, but I donate most of my frequent flier points to the organizations I donate money to.
I also have a strategy for volunteer work. I started to volunteer as a teenager and then when I had no money to donate. Since my thirties (I am 60 now), I have focused mostly on international aid and tutoring people in English as a Second language. The plan for retirement (coming very soon) is to focus a lot of my time on community development work in my small town.
I am FI, but being FI hasn't made any difference one way or the other to how I act in this regard.