Author Topic: Help me spend my Christmas bonus  (Read 13557 times)


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #50 on: December 08, 2016, 11:35:52 AM »
I think you'd feel good if you were able to buy something with your $100 that would save you at least $100 or more.  What kind of repeating costs do you think you could lower with a small investment? For example, if it's your heating bill, you could get yourself a nice electric mattress pad. If it's food costs, maybe you could pick up gardening supplies or a Costco membership.

This the type of thing I've been trying to come up with. For example, a few years ago I finally bought my own cable modem so I could stop renting one from Comcast. I'd love to think of some other low hanging fruit like that, but I can't come up with anything. I already have an electric mattress pad, Costco is a 30 min drive from my house, I rent and don't really have space to garden...

I'm kind of surprised at all of the spendypants suggestions on here. Lately I've been asking myself before every purchase if the item would make my life suck less. Almost always the answer is no, so I don't buy it. Shortening my working life seems like the best way to make my life suck less, hence my thought of paying down loans to get $100 closer to FIRE.

If you have a sunny window, you could set up a windowbox and plant herbs in it.  Although that won't cost $100 and you might be able to score the windowbox for free off Freecycle. I used to live in apartments and I grew a lot of produce in Earthboxes.

One more suggestion... what kind of vacation do you think you'll take this year? How about camping equipment, if you don't have any already?

I guess it's hard to make a suggestion unless you bring up some bills that you think are too high.



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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2016, 11:37:20 AM »
Have fun with it and buy booze, kindle, whatever. It is just $100 and if rules are rules go a little antimustachian and enjoy.
I agree with this. It's a gift; no need to game the system.

Facepunch for the idea that someone trying to pay down their debt is somehow gaming the system.  The employees are entitled to spend the money on anything.  If the OP is trying to understandably avoid being shamed by her coworkers and employer for paying her student loan, that is their problem, not hers.
But they're not entitled to spend it on anything; they're required to spend it according to specific rules. The OP even says he doesn't think spending it on student loans would be allowed. If someone gives you money with strings attached, your (honest) choices are to refuse the money or abide by the rules.


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #52 on: December 08, 2016, 12:19:30 PM »

I'm not sure what you think I'd have a problem with - I suggested buying event tickets.  I was taking issue with the prior suggestion that the OP would be "gaming the system," as if she'd be taking advantage of the company, for trying to pay down debt.

Sorry, Jezebel.  Misread your comment the first time around.

elaine amj

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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #53 on: December 08, 2016, 01:51:57 PM »
Do you need a warm winter jacket? Last time I participated in something like this with the same rules, I bought myself a good quality Columbia softshell that was on sale for $50. I have used and loved that jacket for years - particularly awesome for hiking and in-between weather.

What about a useful kitchen appliance that will help you cook at home more? Like a good quality blender, mixer, pots & pans, Instant Pot (like someone else suggested), etc? I have a hard time buying new kitchen stuff - but its a VERY much appreciated gift :)

What about something like decent work clothes - good for work, interviews, etc? Or good quality leather dress shoes (or I guess reasonable quality since I think the really good ones are well over $100). Might help with earning more money :)

I would suggest think of something you can use for years to come that might be a wee bit beyond your budget to purchase now when your hair is on fire - but it practical and useful.


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #54 on: December 08, 2016, 02:47:23 PM »
I'm curious how the company gets away with providing a $100 gift and then demanding a portion of it back assuming a condition (being spent) isn't met.


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #55 on: December 08, 2016, 02:52:14 PM »
I'm curious how the company gets away with providing a $100 gift and then demanding a portion of it back assuming a condition (being spent) isn't met.

I don't know the answer to your question, but the 1st person to complain about it will probably cause an end to the benefit.  And end up on the company naughty list ;)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #56 on: December 08, 2016, 04:20:15 PM »
Why play games to extract cash?  Returning or reselling something is a lot of effort when the goal is merely to direct a few dollars in a different direction.

I'm not a fan of clutter and would probably buy something consumable and long-lasting like chocolate, alcohol, etc...

elaine amj

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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #57 on: December 08, 2016, 09:11:09 PM »
I'm curious how the company gets away with providing a $100 gift and then demanding a portion of it back assuming a condition (being spent) isn't met.

I don't know the answer to your question, but the 1st person to complain about it will probably cause an end to the benefit.  And end up on the company naughty list ;)

I hear ya. I'd really like to know who the complainer was in our office. In 2015, our boss offered us alternate Fridays off during the summer in exchange for us putting in more hours during the week. It was AWESOME. Sadly, it was cancelled after that summer - I bet someone complained or made scheduling too annoying. Ugh.


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #58 on: December 09, 2016, 01:08:42 AM »
You don't want to get criticized too much, you don't want or need useless crap and lastly you feel bad about returning something. Just buy something that you would anyway in the next few months and allocate the budgeted amount for that category/item to your student loans.

Im my case that would a few books on my to read list. Although I normally only get a new book when the one I'm reading is (nearly)finished, this would be a good reason to do otherwise.

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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2016, 02:21:46 AM »
I think OP needs to fit in with the office culture, which means spending the $100 on themselves and having something to show off for it at the work lunch.  On the other hand, I get the not wanting more crap thing, too, which means spending it either on consumables or experiences.

What about buying a subscription to something local, like a zoo or museum membership?


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2016, 02:39:47 AM »
I think it is a really strange habit to give employees a nice bonus, but make them spend it the next couple of hours on themselves. I support the idea of making a statement along your colleagues by spending money on yourself on useful things, like a big bunch of normal food that won't spoil. Or paying off your student debt and show a receipt. Same idea is buying index fund for it, but paying of debt is smarter.
Otherwise do the Wallmart trick and buy something showoff that can be returned. Or go for the silver coins that are in fact an investment, but look a bit showoff.

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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2016, 02:46:19 AM »
I think it is a really strange habit to give employees a nice bonus, but make them spend it the next couple of hours on themselves. I support the idea of making a statement along your colleagues by spending money on yourself on useful things, like a big bunch of normal food that won't spoil. Or paying off your student debt and show a receipt. Same idea is buying index fund for it, but paying of debt is smarter.
Otherwise do the Wallmart trick and buy something showoff that can be returned. Or go for the silver coins that are in fact an investment, but look a bit showoff.

But it's not really a bonus, is it?  It's a game which the employees are playing to show that they understand and participate in their office culture.


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2016, 09:16:57 AM »
Find a local massage parlor and buy a rub and tug including happy ending.  Oh, wait.  How do you prove that you bought it?

The stupid smile on your face would be a dead giveaway.


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2016, 12:02:55 PM »
I worked for a place for a year that did the same basic thing.  But $30 and we had a week to spend it.  We then were supposed to wrap it and bring it to the work party where we would unwrap it and show everyone what the company bought us for Christmas.  It was fun, and I didn't end up with random crap I didn't need.

So.  Have fun with it.  Buy things you've been needing, but putting off because you weren't sure you wanted to spend on them.  And... if there's nothing you can think of, go the Walmart return route.  I doubt anyone will ask you about it again after the party, so they'll never know.

Also.  Let us know what you do end up buying.  I'm curious. :)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2016, 12:12:54 PM »
I'm following just to find out what the OP ended up doing!  Please post update when you decide ... !


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2016, 12:31:17 PM »
Thanks to everyone for their input and help thinking through this. It should be helpful for me not just this year, but in future years too. I really wanted to buy something and return it, but decided at least for this year I will play along. I almost bought an Instapot based on a few recommendations in this thread and the thread about pressure cookers elsewhere on the forum. Ultimately I decided to buy some books. I usually like to just borrow them from the library, but there were some that I thought I might like to have around to refer back to.

I got physical copies of: Deskbound by Kelly Starrett, Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss, and The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.

I also bought Kindle versions of: Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman, Predictibaly Irrational by Dan Ariely, The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley, and Ego Is the Enemy and The Obsticle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

We don't get the money, or have lunch until the 16th, but I ordered everything Amazon today. That way I'll be able to bring the books and my kindle with me to lunch to show them off.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 12:34:27 PM by AntiochOG »


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #66 on: December 10, 2016, 06:19:38 AM »
What a fun and neat company Christmas idea!  I think by wording it a "bonus", it makes it sounds like it's your money owed to you for your work, when instead this sounds more like a company sponsored team building event.  This is not anti-mustachian!  Lunch and $100 per head is a great deal for a morale boosting company activity.
If you hate your co-workers,  you can say you have an appointment that lunch and opt out. Otherwise, buying something and returning it or buying vtsax etc totally goes against the spirit of the whole thing.  I would go so far as to say it was cheap, not frugal.  An extra $100 will not meaningfully move up your FI date. 
So just go out and enjoy the damn thing!  Merry christmas!


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Re: Help me spend my Christmas bonus
« Reply #67 on: December 10, 2016, 07:08:01 AM »
They wouldn't want you to show off two VTSAX shares?  The whole thing seems quite silly and materialistic.

I'd probably find something consumable that can sit on the shelf at home until you need it.  $100 buys you either a lifetime supply of paprika, a few years worth of oil filters, socks for a few years, or enough condoms to last a few weeks, etc.

Heh. Books are great and all, but I wish you'd gone with condoms and lube.