It is possible to do what you guys say - I agree. Pretty much all things are possible within reason. It depends on your goal.
I've watched many youtubes on the subject and none are outfitted to do it all. Most seem to be concerned mostly about being able to stealth camp in cities without being bothered by the police and recently most are outfitting vans with solar so the top of the van can't have solar and adventure equipment, because a slight shadow on panels has an enormous affect on output.
My perspective comes from youtube alone. Sure there are some that can do something different, but my opinion is that the majority of van dwellers are of the youtube type. I'm not saying there is no one outside of the youtube type, however.
The vans pictured aren't stealth vans, they aren't the typical in my opinion, but if the typical in your mind is an adventure van, that is fine, we have different viewpoints.
Vans pictured wouldn't be stealth enough in a city or a touristy beach area, but more purposed for way out in the middle of nowhere, which is fine, but the van dwellers I see on youtube, most of them, aren't the "I want to be out in the middle of nowhere" types. That is my impression, but if you have a different take, that's fine. I personally haven't seen the adventurous types out to do many different outdoor activities as the typical van dweller, but if that is your impression, again, that's fine.
The vans pictured may also not be for van living, but geared toward adventure weekends. Van living is entirely different than taking a van out for a weekend or even a week.
Not sure many would adventure in Mexico/Central America with a van that has a lot of valuables hanging all over it. It isn't a good idea doing that in certain North America cities let alone Mexico/Central America. Fine if you know people doing it, but I've not witnessed it.