This is the definition of debt, so if you are free of all this you are debt free, otherwise, not so much:
noun \ˈdet\
: an amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.
: the state of owing money to someone or something
: the fact that you have been influenced or helped by someone or something
Full Definition of DEBT
1: sin, trespass
2: something owed : obligation <unable to pay off his debts>
3: a state of owing <deeply in debt>
4: the common-law action for the recovery of money held to be due
noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
Something owed. Anyone having borrowed money or goods from another owes a debt and is under obligation to return the goods or repay the money, usually with interest. For governments, the need to borrow in order to finance a deficit budget has led to the development of various forms of national debt.