Thanks a lot @Nereo. We'll contact our companies to increase our credit lines. Will also apply for a couple of them that are FIRE recommended.
You don't need to go overboard. What matters with credit cards is i) length (# of years), ii) payment history and iii) total limit.
If you have a couple of cards that you've had for several years, and each card has a limit of a few thousand dollars you will be just fine.
The only concern is if you close all your older accounts and opt for a single card with a low maximum.
Another point to consider is how much your credit history matters at all once you have no debts and lots of savings. Do you foresee a need to take out a large loan in the future? If the answer is "no" stop stressing - even if you pare down to a single card with a low max your rate won't suffer that much because you still have a long history of (according to you) on-time payments.
Many people here deliberately sacrifice their credit score by "churning" to reap the substantial rewards one can get from credit cards. It's very possible to get free airfare and hotels - enough to go on a week+ vacation every year, but it will ding your credit score somewhat.