Thanks both of you for saying a lot with few words. Some great points made.
Whether or not to finance should always be a separate question to how much car to buy. If you can't afford a car without financing you probably can't afford that car.
I think I'd reached a point of despair to be honest. I hadn't looked
too seriously, but my cursory looks at nearby used dealerships seemed to reveal that the only cars that were reasonably priced were ones that were around the same age and grade as my car. I see little point in replacing my car for one with the same problems.
However you've made me take a more serious look and it turns out there are more reasonably priced cars out there. I don't have to break the bank, I just have to not get tunnel vision.
I also disagree that paying cash is the conventional wisdom. If interest rates are favorable then it makes a lot of sense to finance while keeping your capital invested.
I guess I've always been sceptical that finance interest rates are ever reasonable, which fed a feedback loop between that and me having never looked at them seriously to see what I can get.
Thanks for making me challenge my beliefs - which were generated from a reluctance to accept debt. I wasn't looking to sell my investments to fund a car purchase. As far as I'm concerned, my investments are locked up with the key thrown away until I either desperately need it or to buy my retirement.
Also just a quick appreciation note for the links in your signature - a lot more wisdom and rules in those!
Would it be more economical to just rent a car for those times when you would like a little more room in the back? I mean, unless you’re chauffeuring elderly passengers daily, buying a bigger car for those few times when you have passengers is like buying more house than necessary for those rare times when you have more than one guest staying with you.
Possibly, yes. We rented a car for a work trip a few months ago and I think it only cost around £2-300 to rent a small SUV for a day or two? I just looked and actually, a 4-door car - even a compact SUV - can be rented for less than £200 for the weekend.
I try to bike to work rather than commute by car but it does happen - especially lately as I've had a good spate of illnesses. So the majority of my car usage is the weekly shop and the occasional leisure trip, with holidays and travel related to our martial arts being very rare (3-4 times a year for the bigger, luggage-heavy trips).
There's only going to be a handful of times per year I would say where we really feel the limitations of my Citigo. It CAN manage the trips we throw at it, but at less comfort for some of us.
If we assume even at the more excessive end that I rent a car 7 times per year at around £180 per go, £1260 is a lot more affordable than buying and owning a car that goes beyond 90% of my needs.
Thanks again! I'm taken aback by how much my eyes have been opened by two short comments. Anyone would think I've forgotten all the advice in the, what, 400+ MMM blog posts I'd read back in the day?