I'm running my first half marathon on November 15 with my daughter. In preparation, I've been incorporating one long run into each week's training. Today, I ran 15 km (about 9.3 miles), the longest I've ever run. It went well enough, sub 9-minute miles, which is my race goal.
And in the "Too Much Information" department... I notice that when I go for long runs (more than 7 miles), my nipples start chafing. (I'm a guy.) Does this happen to any of you? Today, I actually had blood stains on my shirt for the first time. I did some internet searching, and decided to buy "nip guards" to wear on long runs (and in particular, in the half marathon race itself). They seem to be similar to bandages that you place on your nipples to reduce the chafing between your nips and your shirt. Hopefully they will solve the problem.