Month Ending balance
May-21 $190,532.59
Apr-21 $183,963.28
Mar-21 $135,298.29
Feb-21 $129,160.10 * Paid off student loans!
Jan-21 $117,963.53
Dec-20 $118,877.17
Nov-20 $95,120.05 * Was previously saving cash for a downpayment $100k but realized we shouldn't buy in this HCOL area and I missed out on a lot of market gains by holding the cash, so I've slowly been funneling it to my brokerage account (Hence the big jumps from here forward)
Oct-20 $69,866.30
Sep-20 $69,042.70
Aug-20 $69,345.30
Jul-20 $63,678.34
Jun-20 $58,783.50
May-20 $55,517.05
Apr-20 $50,763.20 * Started reading MMM and saving more, but was saving cash {Facepalm}
Mar-20 $45,431.00
Feb-20 $48,605.23
Jan-20 $52,635.65
Dec-19 $51,547.28
Nov-19 $46,935.09
Oct-19 $43,731.91
Sep-19 $41,343.22
Aug-19 $30,641.97
Jul-19 $31,357.67
Jun-19 $27,726.36
May-19 $24,272.62
Apr-19 $25,628.40
Mar-19 $23,011.13
Feb-19 $28,143.54
Jan-19 $19,460.94
Dec-18 $16,589.29
Nov-18 $16,332.01
Oct-18 $16,043.81
Sep-18 $17,379.82
Aug-18 $17,375.18
Jul-18 $17,057.21
Jun-18 $16,624.53
May-18 $16,646.19
Apr-18 $13,641.43
Mar-18 $12,258.67
Feb-18 $12,413.65
Jan-18 $11,592.01
Dec-17 $9,918.12
Nov-17 $7,398.48
Oct-17 $6,064.22
Sep-17 $4,759.59 * Started contributing to my 401k
Only counting my 401k and taxable brokerage account here, but I want in and some accountability. No debt!