Author Topic: Race from 10 to 100k!!  (Read 1320944 times)


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3700 on: January 26, 2022, 07:24:22 AM »
Just graduated from Race to 10K thread. Looking forward to continuing my journey here now. I am just tracking my round up account and taxable investment account to see what I can do with "extra" money. I don't expect to grow quickly but grow never the less. (My wife and I have pension plans through our employers, I also have a 403b, she has a 457 also through our employers, and each have a Roth as well, so no real worries for retirement at this time) This is just another income stream for retirement!

As of today:

01/26/22  Round Up 642.33  Investment 9911.44  Total 10553.77

Congrats.  Welcome to the next race.   

If your experience is similar to mine, the speed of 'growth' will accelerate.  Your extra money should start to snowball as your investments increase.

The challenge here is to remain disciplined for (normally) a few years.  As your N/W rises, temptation starts kicking in.  Lifestyle inflation creeps up on you.  My N/W is only just over £60k now and I frequently have to reign in my brain - otherwise, I'd spend money like it was going out of fashion on random things I don't need/want.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3701 on: January 28, 2022, 01:18:08 PM »
Welcome @comicguy, sounds like you have some good plans in place for your savings. I've been in this thread for years but it is satisfying to see the eventual progress :)

Dec '17    18,146
Jan '18     23,607
Dec '18    48,380
Dec '19    60,746

Jan '20     63,186
May '20    62,300
June '20   63,000
July '20    58,562
Oct '20     60,900
Dec '20   62,900

Jan '21    65,400
Feb '21    67,600
Mar '21    68,750
Apr '21    72,858
May '21   75,068
June '21  77,013
July '21   79,020
Aug '21   82,801
Sept '21  81,077
Oct ‘21   83,500
Nov ‘21   82,700

Dec ‘21   84,800
Jan '22   83,500

*a bit disappointing but I had almost 3 weeks off of work due to illness so didn't bring in any money (I'm a contractor). Thankful that I kept it to this minor loss and hopefully things can climb from here. Need to work on my keeping my spending low (this month I did but it helped me realize how I've gotten into the habit of more casual spending/buying which I really can't afford). I would like to rebuild my EF as well since that was accessed this past year. 


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3702 on: January 31, 2022, 07:09:03 AM »
11/30/20 - SEP Balance $ 15524.45 + Roth $ 1770.76 - Student loan balance $ 6897.45 = $ 10,397.76
12/30/20 - SEP Balance $ 16106.09 + Roth $ 1813.94 - Student loan balance $ 6306.71 = $ 11,613.32
01/29/21 - SEP + Roth $ 20,139.02 - Student loan balance $ 5,316.32 = $ 14,822.70
02/28/21 - SEP + Roth $ 21,680.41 - Student loan balance $ 4,000.15 = $ 17,680.26
03/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 22,823.38 - Student loan balance $ 2,994.55 = $ 19,828.83
04/27/21 - SEP + Roth $ 24,365.29 - Student loan balance $ 1,699.29 = $ 22,666.00
05/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 25,063.59 - Student loan balance $ 0 = $ 25,063.59 - Student loan is paid off!!!
8/21/21 - SEP + Roth $ 27,113.71
9/30/21 - SEP + Roth $ 27,063.71
10/29/21 - SEP + Roth $ 29,254.43
11/30/21 - SEP + Roth $ 30,055.54
12/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 31,239.32

1/31/22 - SEP+401K+Roth $ 30,322.94

Wow, accounts took a hit this month with the market dip. Still added $1k in contributions for the month, but balance is below end of year 2021. Just keep buying while on sale and hope for a rise throughout the year. We shall see what the next month brings. I opened a new solo 401k for this year, this will allow me to put a lot more into retirement savings this year. My goal is to double my 2021 contribution in the new solo 401k account. Currently in the process of rolling the SEP into the new 401k.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3703 on: January 31, 2022, 09:47:28 AM »
I just graduated the Race to 10K thread so joining this one. :)

Student loan - ($24,307.94)
Credit card - ($240)

Savings - $2300
Checking - $240
401K - 31,017
Roth IRA - 1,063.71

Total -  10,073

Monthly update:

Student loan - ($24,307.94)

Savings - $2500
HSA - $3,074
Checking - $460
401K - $31,708
Roth IRA - $1,113.71

Total -  14,548

Two months later:

Student loan - ($24,307.94)

Savings - $2500
HSA - $3,525.77
Checking - $240
401K - $34,670.73
Roth IRA - $1,214.71

Total -  17,843.27

I haven't updated in a while but

Student loan - ($23,760.22)

Savings - $7300
HSA - $2955.58
Checking - $560.68
401K - $52,816.33
Roth IRA - $1,514.2

Total -  40,699.37

Goals this year: To tackle my student loans while they are at 0%. Hoping to get them to $10,000.

Haven’t posted in a while but Current net worth: $64,069. Felt I stopped caring about spending this year. Spent a lot of money on a cosmetic procedure, and also moved to a HCOL state. My net worth should be $20,000 higher but no regrets here.

color=blue]Savings - $8,000
HSA - $2268
Checking - $500
401K - $71,112
Roth IRA - $1,864[/color]

DEBT: 21,991.

I've had a very spendy January due to going on vacation and people visiting. Also got glasses and contacts

Networth: 65,500.43 (Went down by $4000 due to market and a spendy January.)

Savings - $2,025
HSA - $4637
Checking - $300
401K - $73,204
Roth IRA - $2,014

ASSETS: 82,181

Affirm loan from couch purchase - 1797.57
Credit card - 883
Student Loan - $14,000

DEBT: 16,6805.57

Goals - Still the same, hope to be debt free this year. Depending on market, may or may not graduate thread this year.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3704 on: January 31, 2022, 10:48:28 AM »
April 2019: €10094.35
May 2019: €11629.87
June 2019: €12728.63
July 2019: €13021,33
August 2019: €10363,95
September 2019: €10338.28
October 2019: €11128.59
November 2019: €11227,46
December 2019: €11991,27
January 2020: €12576,72
February 2020: €11904,39
March 2020: €10425,32
April 2020: €11830,70
May 2020: €12154,67
June 2020: €14634,19
July 2020: €15345,09
August 2020: €16444,46
September 2020: €17108,60
October 2020: €16687,93
November 2020: €17762,62
December 2020: €19386,94
January 2021: €20649.69
February 2021: €22021,64
March 2021: €22763,55
April 2021: €23866,70
May 2021: €25689.77
June 2021: €25659.61
July 2021: €26434.48
August 2021: €28512.33
September 2021: €29243.37
October 2021: €30357,48
November 2021: €32537,78
December 2021: €33194,68
January 2022: €32912,87

Goals for 2022:
Savings: €15.000
Investments: €30.000

Still contributed my regular amount to investments but the value dropped so much that the balance today was still lower than on Jan 1st.  Paid some big bills in full this month so didn't really save much other than my regular contributions to my accounts.

I don't know how things are in the US but inflation is killing us here. The fixed rate contract with our energy supplier runs out this month and we're expecting our new rate / monthly payment to be more than twice as high as what we currently pay. We're going from €75 to €175 / month and this isn't even a bad deal. The price of natural gas has just exploded. We are already frugal with energy but will have to become even more frugal. We set the heat at 18C now (64F) but we'll try to get it down a bit lower. But I have several health issues, including chronic severe iron deficiency and I get Raynaud's phenomenon quite often so I'm not sure how much lower I can go while still being comfortable enough to work. We've been planning on doing some necessary maintenance on our home that would include a lot of additional insulation but it's extremely difficult to find someone to do it in this weird economy. No companies are willing to give us quotes because by the time they'll have the manpower to do the work, a few months from now, the cost might a be a lot higher. I don't blame them, but I'm also not going to sign a contract for a big job that does not include a price (like some companies proposed).

It's the same story for health insurance and groceries. We are frugal, grew up low income, we know how to cook cheaply. But prices have just exploded. Thankfully we are well-off enough that we don't have to compromise on quality but it does mean we'll have to spend more every month. Our joint income went up by about €100 a month but that only covers the higher energy bill.

This may sound a bit like a complainypants rant, but we're waaaay more lucky than most people. In my job I have a fixed annual raise and a yearly cost-of-living increase, and the worse the economy is the better my employer is doing. And we bought this house when we were early 20s and earning a third of what we earn now. So we'll be fine. But we see all around us that consumer prices are going up very fast, the fastest probably since we switched to Euro in 2002, while wages haven't been keeping up for years, and most pensions have not gone up since 2008.

Right now our country's alternative to social security still goes up every year, it's raised the same % as minimum wage is, but to cut costs the government has proposed to end that. Our parents can still pay their bills, but they're also all at an age where they had expected to be retired & they aren't. They've all worked and saved for retirement for 50 years only to find out they'll probably have to keep working for as long as they physically can so they have some spending money.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3705 on: January 31, 2022, 01:06:58 PM »
I just posted in the $250k - $500k thread (if you include my pension I am just over $250k. However, if you exclude my pension (sometimes I do, it depends on how I'm calculating) I fit into this thread. So here goes! I am 31 and I only started tracking liquid assets about half a year ago. The numbers have fluctuated quite a bit due to having my first kid and spending some cash reserves on medical expenses for the birth as well as his baptism party and funding a portion of his 529.

            2021           2022
JAN          -              $51,061
FEB          -
MAR         -
APR         -
MAY         -
JUN         -
JUL        $61,529
AUG       $50,910
SEP        $50,508
OCT       $54,173
NOV       $53,802
DEC       $51,533


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3706 on: January 31, 2022, 01:48:12 PM »
January 2021 - $53,423
February 2021 - $54,304
March 2021 - $58,321
April 2021 - $61,745
May 2021 - $62,978
June 2021 - $62,595
July 2021 - $64,082
August 2021 - $66,248
September 2021 - $64,221
October 2021 - $67,968
November 2021- $67,412
December 2021 - $70,758

January 2022 - $67,992

And I'm back outta the 70s.  Well, that's depressing!  My 401K is back to summer 2021 numbers.  Geez. 

@Imma things are pretty crazy over here in the US too.  My heating bills are much bigger than last winter and the price of groceries is terrible!  I also have Raynaud's so staying warm in the winter is tough. 


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3707 on: January 31, 2022, 02:04:37 PM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k$93.1k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   $100.3k

I guess I really missed you guys. ;)

Dutch Comfort

  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3708 on: February 01, 2022, 12:21:23 AM »
Tracking investments, emergency fund and additional pension investments (all to be used to retire together with SO!)
(not tracking company pension investments, house value and current accounts / special project savings)

15 May 2020: EUR 17,034 (started tracking)
15 December 2020: EUR 23,325
31 December 2021: EUR 37,355

31 January 2022: EUR 36,735

(2022 goal: EUR 45-50K)

Yes……also a downwards movement here, although I did do my regular contributions. All due to markets.
@Imma: I hear you on inflation and heating. We also received notice from our heating company that they will increase the monthly prepayment with 50%! Since we are on the public heating system, we cannot change suppliers…..
Fortunately we can still easily pay for it, but it really feels that our salary increases did not result in additional savings. We try to teach the kids to be frugal with money, but now also with energy-usage. It’s a challenge with two teens in the house.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3709 on: February 01, 2022, 03:43:30 AM »
Hey all!

I find motivating to see how great is in general people doing, I think I'll start reporting as well. I started tracking my NW Jul'20. I bought a property on Jan'20, when fires in Australia were the worst thing that had happened in a very long time.

Anyway, here go the numbers: the column in the right does not consider my house - as asset, mortgage also excluded -, the left does include both. I do have accounts in several currencies but everything is consolidated in EUR:

              NW   Liquid NW
Jul-20   47,328 €   19,245 €
Aug-20   49,579 €   21,248 €
Sep-20   52,077 €   23,491 €
Oct-20   55,935 €   27,097 €
Nov-20   58,368 €   29,322 €
Dec-20   60,712 €   31,332 €
Jan-21   63,592 €   33,828 €

Goal for 2021: take the right column to 50k!

Not the most active member of this forum, but I wanted to report how 2021 went. We had a frugal wedding and an even more frugal honeymoon. Other than that, the inflation and the exchange rate is starting to kill us in my non-Euro Eastern Europe country. Hard to know what do do, we will be postponing some big ticket items for a year or so, and maybe try to buy more EUR to protect ourselves from our local inflation.

              NW   Liquid NW
Jan-21   63,592 €   33,828 €
Jan-22   95,159 €   62,238 €

That was a nice progress. Hopefully I'll graduate from this thread in March, when I get my bonus, if any.

Keep it up, people!


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3710 on: February 01, 2022, 04:37:32 AM »

Our gas prices have doubled.  Our food shop has increased in price by around 10-15% too.

It all adds up.  I'm grateful that I've built up my N/W to a comfortable point.  If this had happened 5 years ago I'd have really struggled.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3711 on: February 01, 2022, 08:33:10 AM »

Our gas prices have doubled.  Our food shop has increased in price by around 10-15% too.

It all adds up.  I'm grateful that I've built up my N/W to a comfortable point.  If this had happened 5 years ago I'd have really struggled.

This is absolutely true for us too. 5 years ago my N/W was a couple of thousand euro, and we were earning maybe €1200 after taxes each. We would have had to cut back significantly on our expenses. And from what I've seen in supermarkets, it's mainly the staples that are becoming much more expensive, not really the luxury food. Coffee beans are maybe €0,50 more expensive per bag but some value range products are disappearing entirely.

I grew up in a working class household, I had no idea it was even possible to earn what I'm earning now (not 6 figures or something, but as of 2021 officially above average for the first time) and I've learned a lot about increasing income from the MMM forum. If we hadn't increased our income and our savings rate, and had just gotten cost of living raises, then we'd have been "working poor" by now.


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3712 on: February 01, 2022, 09:44:07 AM »
                       2018                2019                2020                2021                2022               

Brute force growth of ~6k for the month by throwing 6k into my ROTH and ~3k into my 401K just in time for it to drop... I definitely wasn't market timing!


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3713 on: February 01, 2022, 01:44:26 PM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k$93.1k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   $100.3k

I guess I really missed you guys. ;)

Unofficially I was racing you to 100,000. I hit about $96,700 just before things started plummeting down. I hit a "low" of about $82,000 as the majority of my net worth is invested in stocks, and I'm climbing back up and out of that hole. I'm still in the upper 80s, but I hope to climb past 100,000 in the next couple of months if there's any sort of bounce back to the last month. Otherwise just plug away!


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3714 on: February 01, 2022, 03:48:39 PM »
@LittleWanderer @Imma
--slightly off topic but in case you are looking for anything to make cool houses more comfortable I use a heating pad which I swear by (Theratherm). Our house can be chilly, or I can be after being in the snow so I use it to heat my back/feet/etc.  My parents live in a log house with wood heat so I bought them one as well :) Stay cozy!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3715 on: February 02, 2022, 01:32:14 AM »
Unofficially I was racing you to 100,000. I hit about $96,700 just before things started plummeting down. I hit a "low" of about $82,000 as the majority of my net worth is invested in stocks, and I'm climbing back up and out of that hole. I'm still in the upper 80s, but I hope to climb past 100,000 in the next couple of months if there's any sort of bounce back to the last month. Otherwise just plug away!

Sounds like you're still only half a step behind!


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3716 on: February 02, 2022, 11:24:33 AM »
Tracking investing in SPN (which doesn't include roth)

12/28/2020 - $62,783
1/28/2021 - $67,335.21
2/28/2021 - $69,404
3/28/2021 - $71,869
4/28/2021 - $77,861
5/31/2021 - $79,885
6/30/2021 - $82,843
7/28/2021 - $85,130
8/29/2021 - $87,558
9/30/2021 - $87,127
10/28/2021 - $92,699
11/28/2021 - $95,021
12/28/2021 - $96,703
2/2/2022 - $93,977

Ze Stash

  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3717 on: February 03, 2022, 08:39:47 AM »
Net worth:
01/01/2019: -    109,47 €
01/02/2019:      269,41 € (+   378,88 €)
01/03/2019:      890,47 € (+   621,06 €)
01/04/2019:   1.767,70 € (+   877,23 €)
01/05/2019:   3.755,46 € (+1.987,76 €)
01/06/2019:   4.814,83 € (+1.059,37 €)
01/07/2019:   5.959,50 € (+1.144,67 €)
01/08/2019:   7.116,94 € (+1.157,44 €)
01/09/2019:   9.855,39 € (+2.738,45 €)
01/10/2019:   9.718,18 € (-   137,21 €)
01/11/2019: 10.726,98 € (+1.008,80 €)
01/12/2019: 11.773,70 € (+1.046,72 €)
01/01/2020: 12.979,27 € (+1.205,57 €)
01/02/2020: 14.363,54 € (+1.384,27 €)
01/03/2020: 15.039,09 € (+   675,56 €)
01/04/2020: 15.456,74 € (+   417,65 €)
01/05/2020: 16.903,74 € (+1.447,00 €)
01/06/2020: 17.847,51 € (+   943,77 €)
01/07/2020: 19.991,35 € (+2.143,84 €)
01/08/2020: 23.859,77 € (+3.868,42 €)
01/09/2020: 27.705,58 € (+3.845,81 €)
01/10/2020: 28.348,92 € (+   643,34 €)
01/11/2020: 29.975,77 € (+1.626,85 €)
01/12/2020: 32.157,81 € (+2.182,04 €)
01/01/2021: 37.536,36 € (+5.378,55 €)
01/02/2021: 39.128,65 € (+1.592,29 €)
01/03/2021: 43.488,25 € (+4.359,60 €)
01/04/2021: 50.227,75 € (+6.739,50 €)
01/05/2021: 50.942,27 € (+   714,52 €)
01/06/2021: 45.969,23 € (- 4.973,04 €)
01/07/2021: 47.887,98 € (+1.918,75 €)
01/08/2021: 50.361,49 € (+2.473,51 €)
01/09/2021: 55.538,44 € (+5.176,95 €)
01/10/2021: 55.405,64 € (-    132,80 €)
01/11/2021: 62.397,76 € (+6.992,12 €)
01/12/2021: 62.957,50 € (+   559,74 €)
01/01/2022: 62.444,54 € (-    512,96 €)

01/02/2022: 57.130,55 € (-5.313,99 €)

Largest monthly drawdown so far, despite savings of roughly 1k €. Also the first time I'm down 2 months in a row. Some of it has recovered in the last 2 days already, but if it was up to me downturns this early during the accumulation phase could keep going for a bit longer. Obviously not hoping for seriouse downturns with all the cryziness going on right now etc. The raise actually materialized and should allow me to increase my average monthly savings by roughly 500 €.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3718 on: February 06, 2022, 02:17:25 PM »
Student Loan Debt:

01/12/19: $43,762
05/04/20: $21,456
11/09/20: $21,456
05/04/21: $21,456
11/01/21: $21,456
12/01/21: $21,456
01/02/22: $21,456
02/02/22: $21,456 (Loans have remained in forbearance)

Net Worth:

03/04/19: -$30,065
05/04/20: $10,739
06/05/20: $18,006 ($7,267)
07/05/20: $8,594 (-$9,412)
08/05/20: $9,084 ($490)
09/01/20: $13,497 ($4,413)
10/01/20: $12,283 (-$1,214)
11/01/20: $15,692 ($3,409)
12/05/20: $19,528 ($3,836)
01/01/21: $21,735 ($2,207)
02/03/21: $21,870 ($135)
03/01/21: $23,417 ($1,547)
04/02/21: $33,080 ($9,663)
05/04/21: $36,424 ($3,344)
06/01/21: $39,976 ($3,552)
07/03/21: $47,349 ($7,373)
08/02/21: $52,292 ($5,044)
09/02/21: $57,319 ($5,027)
10/01/21: $58,555 ($1,236)
11/01/21: $60,397 ($1,842)
12/01/21: $59,891 (-$506)
01/01/22: $63,049 ($3,148)
02/02/22: $64,213 ($1,164)


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3719 on: February 22, 2022, 08:46:08 AM »
My N/W grew by £2,846.97 to a new total of £54,453.44.
My N/W grew by £1,721.56 to a new total of £56,175.
My N/W grew by £2,262.53 to a new total of £58,437.53.
My N/W grew by £3,196.03 to a new total of £61,633.56.
My N/W grew by £2,080.14 to a new total of £63,713.70.
My N/W grew by £189.35 to a new total of £63,903.05.

Feb update:

My N/W grew by £2,046.07 to a new total of £65,949.12.

So it was quite a good month financially. 

I did have an accident which is going to cost me a few £'s.  I want to get an MRI scan which will determine if I need surgery or not, but my NHS Dr won't let me have one because my work is sedentary (despite having a very active lifestyle).  So if I pay to go private it will be a few hundred £s for a scan and a few thousand for the surgery - but I'd be willing to pay that to drastically reduce the chances of reoccurrence and be able to continue with my hobbies/lifestyle. 


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3720 on: February 25, 2022, 01:46:41 PM »
Dec '17    18,146
Jan '18     23,607
Dec '18    48,380
Dec '19    60,746

Jan '20     63,186
May '20    62,300
June '20   63,000
July '20    58,562
Oct '20     60,900
Dec '20   62,900

Jan '21    65,400
Feb '21    67,600
Mar '21    68,750
Apr '21    72,858
May '21   75,068
June '21  77,013
July '21   79,020
Aug '21   82,801
Sept '21  81,077
Oct ‘21   83,500
Nov ‘21   82,700

Dec ‘21   84,800
Jan '22   83,500
Feb '22   86,900

New all-time high! My investments went up $500 today so let's see if it sticks :)

Have been trying to keep my spending down but we have been having all sorts of house & car issues arising. So I've picked up some extra work shifts so that I don't have to draw from here too much.

Also rebuilt my little $1000 EF (which I don't count here). And would like to build a small travel and canoe fund for the summer.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 01:54:32 PM by Serendip »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3721 on: February 26, 2022, 12:26:05 PM »

01/26/22  Round Up 642.33  Investment 9911.44   Total 10553.77
02/26/22  Round Up 752.42  Investment 12408.26 Total 13160.68


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3722 on: February 28, 2022, 07:07:38 AM »
8/21/21 - SEP + Roth $ 27,113.71
9/30/21 - SEP + Roth $ 27,063.71
10/29/21 - SEP + Roth $ 29,254.43
11/30/21 - SEP + Roth $ 30,055.54
12/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 31,239.32

1/31/22 - SEP+401K+Roth $ 30,322.94
2/28/22 - 401K+Roth $ 30,620.77 (SEP-IRA rollover to 401K complete)

Still not back to my end of 2021 amount and don't expect to be for while with what is going on in the market/world. Just keep plugging away adding to the stash each week and buying funds like usual. Looking at the balance of my investments is depressing right now, but it is what it is, not in my control. Hoping for a better March.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3723 on: February 28, 2022, 09:44:04 AM »
                       2018                2019                2020                2021                2022               

Still moving in the right direction, even if at half speed.. Every time I throw money in the market this year, it decides to drop a bit more. I'm taking my mind off the numbers as much as I can while still tracking. Currently, what's up with the sticky "l" key on my keyboard...


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3724 on: February 28, 2022, 12:26:34 PM »
Tracking investing in SPN (which doesn't include roth)

12/28/2020 - $62,783
1/28/2021 - $67,335.21
2/28/2021 - $69,404
3/28/2021 - $71,869
4/28/2021 - $77,861
5/31/2021 - $79,885
6/30/2021 - $82,843
7/28/2021 - $85,130
8/29/2021 - $87,558
9/30/2021 - $87,127
10/28/2021 - $92,699
11/28/2021 - $95,021
12/28/2021 - $96,703
2/2/2022 - $93,977
2/28/2022 - $91,712


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3725 on: February 28, 2022, 12:45:28 PM »
Dec 2017- ~7000
Dec 2018- ~8000
Dec 2019- ~12000
Dec 2020- ~18000
Jun 2021- 19883.72
Jul 2021- 21574.92
Aug 2021-25731.53
Sep 2021- 32633.08
Oct 2021- 42008.1
Nov 2021- 53009.99
Dec 2021- 59100.38
Jan 2022- 71195.56
Feb 2022- 78553.92
Mar 2022- 86920.79

Went to community college from 17-19, worked part time and covered my tuition. Went to University from 19-21, luckily my parents covered the university tuition. Didn't know FIRE, but I was a good saver. My net worth took a big jump on the years that I didn't have to pay tuition. Graduated spring 2021; and discovered FIRE and investing. Have a car that is paid off, but I didn't count that in.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3726 on: February 28, 2022, 10:43:47 PM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k$93.1k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   $100.3k

Basically just twiddling my thumbs here...

My priorities have not been on savings recently and you can tell.

Dutch Comfort

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3727 on: March 01, 2022, 01:55:43 AM »
Tracking investments, emergency fund and additional pension investments (all to be used to retire together with SO!)
(not tracking company pension investments, house value and current accounts / special project savings)

15 May 2020: EUR 17,034 (started tracking)
15 December 2020: EUR 23,325
31 December 2021: EUR 37,355

31 January 2022: EUR 36,735
28 February 2022: EUR 36,356

(2022 goal: EUR 45-50K)

Despite the regular investments and savings, the amount went down thanks to the markets. No major amounts (since I still keep a decent amount of cash), but not very motivating...... However, I'm positive that it will go up again after things will settle down here in Europe, whether it is this year or next. We're in this for the long run!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3728 on: March 01, 2022, 07:09:42 AM »
February 2021 - $54,304
March 2021 - $58,321
April 2021 - $61,745
May 2021 - $62,978
June 2021 - $62,595
July 2021 - $64,082
August 2021 - $66,248
September 2021 - $64,221
October 2021 - $67,968
November 2021- $67,412
December 2021 - $70,758
January 2022 - $67,992

February 2022 - $69,486

Honestly, I expected that to be way worse based on the number my 401K was at last week. 


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3729 on: March 02, 2022, 09:30:49 AM »
Student Loan Debt:

01/12/19: $43,762
05/04/20: $21,456
11/09/20: $21,456
05/04/21: $21,456
11/01/21: $21,456
12/01/21: $21,456
01/02/22: $21,456
02/02/22: $21,456
03/02/22: $21,456 (Loans have remained in forbearance)

Net Worth:

03/04/19: -$30,065
05/04/20: $10,739
06/05/20: $18,006 ($7,267)
07/05/20: $8,594 (-$9,412)
08/05/20: $9,084 ($490)
09/01/20: $13,497 ($4,413)
10/01/20: $12,283 (-$1,214)
11/01/20: $15,692 ($3,409)
12/05/20: $19,528 ($3,836)
01/01/21: $21,735 ($2,207)
02/03/21: $21,870 ($135)
03/01/21: $23,417 ($1,547)
04/02/21: $33,080 ($9,663)
05/04/21: $36,424 ($3,344)
06/01/21: $39,976 ($3,552)
07/03/21: $47,349 ($7,373)
08/02/21: $52,292 ($5,044)
09/02/21: $57,319 ($5,027)
10/01/21: $58,555 ($1,236)
11/01/21: $60,397 ($1,842)
12/01/21: $59,891 (-$506)
01/01/22: $63,049 ($3,148)
02/02/22: $64,213 ($1,164)
03/02/22: $69,640 ($5,427)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 09:33:07 AM by TyGuy »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3730 on: March 02, 2022, 10:37:36 AM »
April 2019: €10094.35
May 2019: €11629.87
June 2019: €12728.63
July 2019: €13021,33
August 2019: €10363,95
September 2019: €10338.28
October 2019: €11128.59
November 2019: €11227,46
December 2019: €11991,27
January 2020: €12576,72
February 2020: €11904,39
March 2020: €10425,32
April 2020: €11830,70
May 2020: €12154,67
June 2020: €14634,19
July 2020: €15345,09
August 2020: €16444,46
September 2020: €17108,60
October 2020: €16687,93
November 2020: €17762,62
December 2020: €19386,94
January 2021: €20649.69
February 2021: €22021,64
March 2021: €22763,55
April 2021: €23866,70
May 2021: €25689.77
June 2021: €25659.61
July 2021: €26434.48
August 2021: €28512.33
September 2021: €29243.37
October 2021: €30357,48
November 2021: €32537,78
December 2021: €33194,68
January 2022: €32912,87
February 2022: €33483,33

Goals for 2022:
Savings: €15.000
Investments: €30.000

Still moving in the right direction, with everything that's going on. Kind of surprised about that.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3731 on: March 04, 2022, 07:41:41 AM »
Hi everyone,

This will be my first post ever on the MMM forum! I have been stalking this page for a while and am finally mustering up the courage to post here myself.

Short introduction: 36 y/o woman from Sweden. Current after tax income per month is $3250, aiming to save $1000 per month. I need approx. $600-650.000 to FIRE which according to calculations will take me 17 years...! Hoping to be able to FIRE earlier than that though!

Financial goals for 2022 is to invest $6000 and save $4000 for my wedding next year.

Current investments & savings (not including retirement):

March 2022: $12.254


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3732 on: March 04, 2022, 09:42:27 AM »
Hey everyone! So excited to make it to this thread finally. Here are my numbers as of this morning.

3/4/2022: $12,100 cash + $1,034 investments - $0 debt = $13,134 NW

For context, I'm 27, single, and about to graduate college. Super inspired by y'all.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3733 on: March 05, 2022, 04:16:56 AM »
Hi everyone,

This will be my first post ever on the MMM forum! I have been stalking this page for a while and am finally mustering up the courage to post here myself.

Short introduction: 36 y/o woman from Sweden. Current after tax income per month is $3250, aiming to save $1000 per month. I need approx. $600-650.000 to FIRE which according to calculations will take me 17 years...! Hoping to be able to FIRE earlier than that though!

Financial goals for 2022 is to invest $6000 and save $4000 for my wedding next year.

Current investments & savings (not including retirement):

March 2022: $12.254

Welcome to the forum @TheSwedishGirl!   Those are great goals.  Congrats on your upcoming wedding!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3734 on: March 05, 2022, 04:17:48 AM »
Hey everyone! So excited to make it to this thread finally. Here are my numbers as of this morning.

3/4/2022: $12,100 cash + $1,034 investments - $0 debt = $13,134 NW

For context, I'm 27, single, and about to graduate college. Super inspired by y'all.

Congrats @LobsterLuke and welcome to the next thread! 

Ze Stash

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3735 on: March 07, 2022, 09:32:52 AM »
Net worth:
01/01/2019: -    109,47 €
01/02/2019:      269,41 € (+   378,88 €)
01/03/2019:      890,47 € (+   621,06 €)
01/04/2019:   1.767,70 € (+   877,23 €)
01/05/2019:   3.755,46 € (+1.987,76 €)
01/06/2019:   4.814,83 € (+1.059,37 €)
01/07/2019:   5.959,50 € (+1.144,67 €)
01/08/2019:   7.116,94 € (+1.157,44 €)
01/09/2019:   9.855,39 € (+2.738,45 €)
01/10/2019:   9.718,18 € (-   137,21 €)
01/11/2019: 10.726,98 € (+1.008,80 €)
01/12/2019: 11.773,70 € (+1.046,72 €)
01/01/2020: 12.979,27 € (+1.205,57 €)
01/02/2020: 14.363,54 € (+1.384,27 €)
01/03/2020: 15.039,09 € (+   675,56 €)
01/04/2020: 15.456,74 € (+   417,65 €)
01/05/2020: 16.903,74 € (+1.447,00 €)
01/06/2020: 17.847,51 € (+   943,77 €)
01/07/2020: 19.991,35 € (+2.143,84 €)
01/08/2020: 23.859,77 € (+3.868,42 €)
01/09/2020: 27.705,58 € (+3.845,81 €)
01/10/2020: 28.348,92 € (+   643,34 €)
01/11/2020: 29.975,77 € (+1.626,85 €)
01/12/2020: 32.157,81 € (+2.182,04 €)
01/01/2021: 37.536,36 € (+5.378,55 €)
01/02/2021: 39.128,65 € (+1.592,29 €)
01/03/2021: 43.488,25 € (+4.359,60 €)
01/04/2021: 50.227,75 € (+6.739,50 €)
01/05/2021: 50.942,27 € (+   714,52 €)
01/06/2021: 45.969,23 € (- 4.973,04 €)
01/07/2021: 47.887,98 € (+1.918,75 €)
01/08/2021: 50.361,49 € (+2.473,51 €)
01/09/2021: 55.538,44 € (+5.176,95 €)
01/10/2021: 55.405,64 € (-    132,80 €)
01/11/2021: 62.397,76 € (+6.992,12 €)
01/12/2021: 62.957,50 € (+   559,74 €)
01/01/2022: 62.444,54 € (-    512,96 €)
01/02/2022: 57.130,55 € (- 5.313,99 €)

01/03/2022: 59.780,50 € (2.649,95 €)

Pretty large swings in the last months. By today most of the gains are gone again due to the war. Had some extra spending because of a trip in early February, which feels like a million years ago now, and because of donations. I'm finding it really hard to focus on work, savings and other long-term goals in general when so close to us thousands of people are killed and millions of people see everything they've worked for their whole lives destroyed in days.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3736 on: March 22, 2022, 06:04:43 AM »
My N/W grew by £2,846.97 to a new total of £54,453.44.
My N/W grew by £1,721.56 to a new total of £56,175.
My N/W grew by £2,262.53 to a new total of £58,437.53.
My N/W grew by £3,196.03 to a new total of £61,633.56.
My N/W grew by £2,080.14 to a new total of £63,713.70.
My N/W grew by £189.35 to a new total of £63,903.05.
My N/W grew by £2,046.07 to a new total of £65,949.12.

March Update:

My N/W grew by £2,489.81 to a new total of £68,438.93.

I think the markets must have rebounded quite a bit.  I just did my usual investments and actually had a very expensive month.  I spent a lot on eating out (First baby due next month, so me and DW are going on as many dates as we can) and I paid for a private consultation about my injury.  The consultation and the scan I needed cost me £1,250.  I have to have a £7k surgery, but fortunately, the Dr. I saw was more than happy to put me on his NHS waiting list so I should get it for free (but I will have to wait a few months before). 

It was an expensive accident! 


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3737 on: March 22, 2022, 03:00:47 PM »
I just graduated the Race to 10K thread so joining this one. :)

Student loan - ($24,307.94)
Credit card - ($240)

Savings - $2300
Checking - $240
401K - 31,017
Roth IRA - 1,063.71

Total -  10,073

Monthly update:

Student loan - ($24,307.94)

Savings - $2500
HSA - $3,074
Checking - $460
401K - $31,708
Roth IRA - $1,113.71

Total -  14,548

Two months later:

Student loan - ($24,307.94)

Savings - $2500
HSA - $3,525.77
Checking - $240
401K - $34,670.73
Roth IRA - $1,214.71

Total -  17,843.27

I haven't updated in a while but

Student loan - ($23,760.22)

Savings - $7300
HSA - $2955.58
Checking - $560.68
401K - $52,816.33
Roth IRA - $1,514.2

Total -  40,699.37

Goals this year: To tackle my student loans while they are at 0%. Hoping to get them to $10,000.

Haven’t posted in a while but Current net worth: $64,069. Felt I stopped caring about spending this year. Spent a lot of money on a cosmetic procedure, and also moved to a HCOL state. My net worth should be $20,000 higher but no regrets here.

color=blue]Savings - $8,000
HSA - $2268
Checking - $500
401K - $71,112
Roth IRA - $1,864[/color]

DEBT: 21,991.

I've had a very spendy January due to going on vacation and people visiting. Also got glasses and contacts

Networth: 65,500.43 (Went down by $4000 due to market and a spendy January.)

Savings - $2,025
HSA - $4637
Checking - $300
401K - $73,204
Roth IRA - $2,014

ASSETS: 82,181

Affirm loan from couch purchase - 1797.57
Credit card - 883
Student Loan - $14,000

DEBT: 16,6805.57

Goals - Still the same, hope to be debt free this year. Depending on market, may or may not graduate thread this year.

Savings - $28.85
HSA - $5981.34
Checking - $436.92
401K - $82,793.95
Roth IRA - $2,014

ASSETS: 91,255.46

Affirm loan from couch purchase - 1,029.64
Credit card - 2,385.41
Student Loan - $0 (Officially paid off this month)

DEBT: 3,415.05

Networth: 87,840.41


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3738 on: March 25, 2022, 03:48:01 AM »
March update: a good jump!

01/26/22  Round Up 642.33  Investment  9911.44  Total 10553.77
02/26/22  Round Up 752.42  Investment 12408.26 Total 13160.680
03/25/22  Round UP 897.57  Investment 17291.64 Total 18189.21


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3739 on: March 28, 2022, 01:23:55 PM »
I just graduated the Race to 10K thread so joining this one. :)

Student loan - ($24,307.94)
Credit card - ($240)

Savings - $2300
Checking - $240
401K - 31,017
Roth IRA - 1,063.71

Total -  10,073

Monthly update:

Student loan - ($24,307.94)

Savings - $2500
HSA - $3,074
Checking - $460
401K - $31,708
Roth IRA - $1,113.71

Total -  14,548

Two months later:

Student loan - ($24,307.94)

Savings - $2500
HSA - $3,525.77
Checking - $240
401K - $34,670.73
Roth IRA - $1,214.71

Total -  17,843.27

I haven't updated in a while but

Student loan - ($23,760.22)

Savings - $7300
HSA - $2955.58
Checking - $560.68
401K - $52,816.33
Roth IRA - $1,514.2

Total -  40,699.37

Goals this year: To tackle my student loans while they are at 0%. Hoping to get them to $10,000.

Haven’t posted in a while but Current net worth: $64,069. Felt I stopped caring about spending this year. Spent a lot of money on a cosmetic procedure, and also moved to a HCOL state. My net worth should be $20,000 higher but no regrets here.

color=blue]Savings - $8,000
HSA - $2268
Checking - $500
401K - $71,112
Roth IRA - $1,864[/color]

DEBT: 21,991.

I've had a very spendy January due to going on vacation and people visiting. Also got glasses and contacts

Networth: 65,500.43 (Went down by $4000 due to market and a spendy January.)

Savings - $2,025
HSA - $4637
Checking - $300
401K - $73,204
Roth IRA - $2,014

ASSETS: 82,181

Affirm loan from couch purchase - 1797.57
Credit card - 883
Student Loan - $14,000

DEBT: 16,6805.57

Goals - Still the same, hope to be debt free this year. Depending on market, may or may not graduate thread this year.

Savings - $28.85
HSA - $5981.34
Checking - $436.92
401K - $82,793.95
Roth IRA - $2,014

ASSETS: 91,255.46

Affirm loan from couch purchase - 1,029.64
Credit card - 2,385.41
Student Loan - $0 (Officially paid off this month)

DEBT: 3,415.05

Networth: 87,840.41
Big congrats on paying off the student loans! That probably feels amazing

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3740 on: March 28, 2022, 01:31:09 PM »

[/quote]Big congrats on paying off the student loans! That probably feels amazing

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

It feels almost unreal. I don't have to wake up every morning to thousands of dollars of debt. First time, I feel like I have no financial burdens.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3741 on: March 28, 2022, 07:41:16 PM »
Tracking investing in SPN (which doesn't include roth)

12/28/2020 - $62,783
1/28/2021 - $67,335
2/28/2021 - $69,404
3/28/2021 - $71,869
4/28/2021 - $77,861
5/31/2021 - $79,885
6/30/2021 - $82,843
7/28/2021 - $85,130
8/29/2021 - $87,558
9/30/2021 - $87,127
10/28/2021 - $92,699
11/28/2021 - $95,021
12/28/2021 - $96,703
2/2/2022 - $93,977
2/28/2022 - $91,712
3/28/2022 - $96,748


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3742 on: March 29, 2022, 02:06:10 PM »
Dec '17    18,146
Jan '18     23,607
Dec '18    48,380
Dec '19    60,746

Jan '20     63,186
May '20    62,300
June '20   63,000
July '20    58,562
Oct '20     60,900
Dec '20   62,900

Jan '21    65,400
Feb '21    67,600
Mar '21    68,750
Apr '21    72,858
May '21   75,068
June '21  77,013
July '21   79,020
Aug '21   82,801
Sept '21  81,077
Oct ‘21   83,500
Nov ‘21   82,700

Dec ‘21   84,800
Jan '22   83,500
Feb '22   86,900
Mar '22  88,775

*also paid $2000 onto a LOC which feels great. Some travel expenses coming up but thankfully things feel manageable and am looking forward to breaking $100k sometime late this year.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3743 on: March 31, 2022, 08:17:40 AM »
8/21/21 - SEP + Roth $ 27,113.71
9/30/21 - SEP + Roth $ 27,063.71
10/29/21 - SEP + Roth $ 29,254.43
11/30/21 - SEP + Roth $ 30,055.54
12/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 31,239.32

1/31/22 - SEP+401K+Roth $ 30,322.94
2/28/22 - 401K+Roth $ 30,620.77 (SEP-IRA rollover to 401K complete)
3/31/22 - 401K + Roth $ 32,862.61

A little better this month. Planning on doing a minimal spend month in April. I like to set a goal of only a certain amount of days I spend money in the month. When I say spending I mean not necessary spending. Spring is in the air and I need to go through my kids clothing from last year to see what needs purchased for upcoming summer, they most likely have grown out of all of last summers shorts/shirts and probably also grew out of swimsuits. I think they are maxing out in growth at this point, they will be 14 in July and are girls, so they should be about done. I am going to really try not to buy any new clothing in April if possible and hold off until May. We live in New England, so they should not need shorts/swimwear until at least mid May. Wish me luck on the minimal spend month. Oh and to make this official, I am shooting for only spending 7 days out of 30 for the month and only when I absolutely have to, like to buy gas for the car. Food/housing/utilities come out of hubby's check. My check is for retirement/savings/vacations/kids activities/clothing.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3744 on: March 31, 2022, 02:15:33 PM »
Not the most active member of this forum, but I wanted to report how 2021 went. We had a frugal wedding and an even more frugal honeymoon. Other than that, the inflation and the exchange rate is starting to kill us in my non-Euro Eastern Europe country. Hard to know what do do, we will be postponing some big ticket items for a year or so, and maybe try to buy more EUR to protect ourselves from our local inflation.

              NW   Liquid NW
Jan-21   63,592 €   33,828 €
Jan-22   95,159 €   62,238 €

That was a nice progress. Hopefully I'll graduate from this thread in March, when I get my bonus, if any.

Keep it up, people!

So this would be my graduation from this thread. Today I reached the goal of 100k.

              NW   Liquid NW
Jan-21   63,592 €   33,828 €
Jan-22   95,159 €   62,238 €
Mar-22     101,164€    67,975€

All the best to you, I hope you reach the goal soon as well!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3745 on: March 31, 2022, 02:36:32 PM »
March 2021 - $58,321
April 2021 - $61,745
May 2021 - $62,978
June 2021 - $62,595
July 2021 - $64,082
August 2021 - $66,248
September 2021 - $64,221
October 2021 - $67,968
November 2021- $67,412
December 2021 - $70,758
January 2022 - $67,992
February 2022 - $69,486

March 2022 - $73,422

Okay then.  That'


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3746 on: March 31, 2022, 10:38:31 PM »
                       2018                2019                2020                2021                2022               


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3747 on: March 31, 2022, 11:32:18 PM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k$93.1k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   $100.3k

The market giveth, and the market taketh away. And other times the market barely moveth at all.

Dutch Comfort

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3748 on: April 01, 2022, 01:39:51 AM »
Tracking investments, emergency fund and additional pension investments (all to be used to retire together with SO!)
(not tracking company pension investments, house value and current accounts / special project savings)

15 May 2020: EUR 17,034 (started tracking)
15 December 2020: EUR 23,325
31 December 2021: EUR 37,355

31 January 2022: EUR 36,735
28 February 2022: EUR 36,356
31 March 2022: EUR 37,500

(2022 goal: EUR 45-50K)

Finally above the 2021 record high! It seems like the market did not move, however I did my regular investments.
Let's see if I can still reach my 2022 goal..... It is still doable (if I get at least a small bonus this year...... we will only know in December).

@LobsterLuke: welcome to the club. You did a great job coming here. Now up to the infamous 6 digit number we are all working towards.
@Rimu05: what a huge accomplishment! Having no debt hanging above your head is a perfect start to increase your investments.

Next month I'm expecting a little downwards amount, since we're planning on a nice trip to Italy. Really looking forward to the trip, but we're still trying to make it as mustachian as possible.

Ze Stash

  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3749 on: April 01, 2022, 07:11:45 AM »
Net worth:
01/01/2019: -    109,47 €
01/02/2019:      269,41 € (+   378,88 €)
01/03/2019:      890,47 € (+   621,06 €)
01/04/2019:   1.767,70 € (+   877,23 €)
01/05/2019:   3.755,46 € (+1.987,76 €)
01/06/2019:   4.814,83 € (+1.059,37 €)
01/07/2019:   5.959,50 € (+1.144,67 €)
01/08/2019:   7.116,94 € (+1.157,44 €)
01/09/2019:   9.855,39 € (+2.738,45 €)
01/10/2019:   9.718,18 € (-   137,21 €)
01/11/2019: 10.726,98 € (+1.008,80 €)
01/12/2019: 11.773,70 € (+1.046,72 €)
01/01/2020: 12.979,27 € (+1.205,57 €)
01/02/2020: 14.363,54 € (+1.384,27 €)
01/03/2020: 15.039,09 € (+   675,56 €)
01/04/2020: 15.456,74 € (+   417,65 €)
01/05/2020: 16.903,74 € (+1.447,00 €)
01/06/2020: 17.847,51 € (+   943,77 €)
01/07/2020: 19.991,35 € (+2.143,84 €)
01/08/2020: 23.859,77 € (+3.868,42 €)
01/09/2020: 27.705,58 € (+3.845,81 €)
01/10/2020: 28.348,92 € (+   643,34 €)
01/11/2020: 29.975,77 € (+1.626,85 €)
01/12/2020: 32.157,81 € (+2.182,04 €)
01/01/2021: 37.536,36 € (+5.378,55 €)
01/02/2021: 39.128,65 € (+1.592,29 €)
01/03/2021: 43.488,25 € (+4.359,60 €)
01/04/2021: 50.227,75 € (+6.739,50 €)
01/05/2021: 50.942,27 € (+   714,52 €)
01/06/2021: 45.969,23 € (- 4.973,04 €)
01/07/2021: 47.887,98 € (+1.918,75 €)
01/08/2021: 50.361,49 € (+2.473,51 €)
01/09/2021: 55.538,44 € (+5.176,95 €)
01/10/2021: 55.405,64 € (-    132,80 €)
01/11/2021: 62.397,76 € (+6.992,12 €)
01/12/2021: 62.957,50 € (+   559,74 €)
01/01/2022: 62.444,54 € (-    512,96 €)
01/02/2022: 57.130,55 € (- 5.313,99 €)
01/03/2022: 59.780,50 € (+2.649,95 €)

01/04/2022: 63.814,15 € (+4.033,65 €)

Another month in the right direction, goal for the end of the year is 75k €. Savings this month roughly 1,5 k€. Despite relatively constant savings in the last months NW volatility has been really high.