But surely you could work two more years and provide them even better end of life support, why not a third to save hundreds of thousands in impoverished countries from preventable disease, and a fourth to adopt your long lost stepson, 2B1S.
Just kidding, but see how this is a slippery slope?
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Slippery slope? I'm sorry if this insults you, but I think that's about the weakest argument for ANY topic ever.
Ixtap, I commend you.
One thing I've learned during this COVID crisis is that generosity makes me feel really good. I mean incredibly good. I made a decision back in February that I would save my usual in tax-advantaged accounts, but anything that I would normally save in after-tax brokerage, I'm going to donate instead. To charity, to causes, to gofundme, to obscene tips for people who do things that I don't want to do, and even just as cash handouts. That's going to be about $70K this year on top of what I've already committed to my own family members. You know what that commitment has done for me so far? It makes me not sweat the small stuff.
Granted, we're all at different stages of this FIRE goal, but you know what it's going to cost me to do this? one more year. That's NOTHING to me. I feel so fortunate to still have a job through this pandemic, and I'm still saving a shit-ton of money. I'm just going to save about half as much as normal. I can still be frugal with the way I choose to live while being generous with others. Not everyone has the same advantages that I've had my whole life and I've decided that during this period of generosity, I'm not going to judge others for how they spend their own money.
It's so liberating. I know, this kind of thinking could get me thrown out of MMM, but it's living a way that is meaningful to me.