2022 was a rough year for me -- spending this year was way too high and on the earlier thread, I can attest to the difficulty I would have with a FIRE with children dependents scenario. There are enough variables in you and your significant other's situation (health, expenses, home repairs, maintenance, etc.), but when you throw kids into the mix, the number of variables explode. Will they go to college? Will they stay at the same college or will they transfer? Will they enjoy their major or need to change? The list goes on an on. And I will speak from personal experience that I thought I was sufficiently (not excessively) funded in the 529 to handle 3 kids through college. And in 2022 alone, I probably spent $50,000 out of pocket (I'd prefer not to know the exact number, so am not checking) for one who ended up in a field where you need a graduate degree (yes, another variable) and it was either this or let them graduate with over $100K in student loans, which, I struggle to do.
So my 2022 recap: terrible investment performance, too much spending. Leaves me with YE liquid / invested net worth of $2.02M and if I include home equity I'm estimating more like $2.51M. Liquid NW down about 13% from last year.
And back to the other topic, I would be careful about assuming you are overfunded in the 529.....many things can happen....hell, we have a situation where based on our child getting closed out of one class, they will need to take an extra semester! That can be $25-35K easily! And who knows, it sounds like in the future you may be able to roll excess 529 funds into a Roth, so I'd fund it up!! Doesn't really impact me anymore, since my remaining 529 balance is not going to be enough.