The cash crunch will hit the poor and lower middle class very soon. The current government is about to do a 180 on socialism. I'm not shoving politial daggers here. It's just that a social safety net will be of absolute necessity in coming weeks and months. A lot of the people I hang out with are already on the verge of bankruptcy. Not necessarily the legal form, just completely empty pockets. Just ramping up their supplies killed their emergency fund. Most didn't look at money the way we do, they were actually happy just getting by each month. Many of thrir jobs are already shut down. My workplace just canced the janitorial services!!! WTF! I work in a southern Louisiana chemical plant, many of our office wokers will be working from home. Engineers, computer geeks, accountants, sales reps, managers, regulatory and compliance. Our scheduled big maintence turnarounds are canceled. So no welders, pipefitters, carpenters, equipment operators, crane operators, general laborers, etc. Only essential personal will be on site, I'm one of those. I've ridden out many hurricanes not at home, but at work. I'll be paid very well during this time. I expect to work overtime actually, which I'd choose not to. Our own core company employees will be paid unlese this gets much worse. The contact labor may or may not get paid. They will be getting unemployment checks. Those don't cover a full load of debt long. This isn't going to just ramp back up overnight.