Yeh - But while you are waiting, the bonds make your return less. I guess if you've got the 30 years you can sit on the stocks. Some of us, unfortunately, do not.
I may have brought this up before, but what caused the stocks to plunge in 1965. Was it spending on the Vietnam War? Was it the onset of competition from the Japanese? Was it Great Society spending? I mean 1965 was good times for the country. The good jobs were still around. We were getting technologically advanced, getting ready to go to the moon. The oil shocks to the economy had not occurred.
I like to think good times are all around. It was basically good times. US industry was punching out cars, making steel and throw away gadgets. A rising tide is supposed to lift all boats. What was up with the stock market? When I studied history in school, they didn't emphasize rich folks with stocks so I don't understand this plunge. I don't think inflation was out of hand either. Government deficit spending wasn't crazy like it is now. We weren't selling overseas bonds to the Chinese.
So, money gurus why did stocks fall beginning in 1965? Might give some ideas to watch out for.