Author Topic: No Clothes Shopping in 2014  (Read 182932 times)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #450 on: June 23, 2014, 09:21:42 AM »
I attempted to repair two pairs of jeans yesterday.  I ironed on patched that I bought a while back at JoAnn's for $2.  I'm wearing one of the pairs right now, and it seems fine.  This is my first attempt at repairing a clothing item, so I'm feeling very proud of myself.  I even posted it in the "what you did today to save money" page.

The repair job was a bust.  The iron-on patches are in a precarious position, so they're not sticking well.  At least I tried!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #451 on: June 24, 2014, 08:23:58 PM »
This challenge is so interesting - I'm feeling inspired!

To continue being inspired - here's a podcast from Stuff Mom Never Told You on our overconsumption and how donating clothes isn't always what you think it is:

Apparently, people in Africa sometimes refer to donated clothes that get shipped over from the US as "Dead White People Clothes", because they can't imagine someone giving away such nice clothes unless they died.  It does show how we buy perfectly good items, just to discard them!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #452 on: June 26, 2014, 11:20:04 AM »
This challenge is so interesting - I'm feeling inspired!

To continue being inspired - here's a podcast from Stuff Mom Never Told You on our overconsumption and how donating clothes isn't always what you think it is:

Apparently, people in Africa sometimes refer to donated clothes that get shipped over from the US as "Dead White People Clothes", because they can't imagine someone giving away such nice clothes unless they died.  It does show how we buy perfectly good items, just to discard them!
Thanks for sharing!  I had listened to the Planet Money podcast before (, so I've heard about clothing going to Africa.  But the podcast you posted looks at the effect on the local economy and textile industry.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #453 on: June 27, 2014, 06:10:06 AM »
The shop I love is dangerfield, which looks scary on the outside but has a lot of cute clothes on the inside. And in colours that don't wash me out. I don't know what their ethics are like and haven't looked them up yet (worried they won't be any good, head in sand type thinking).

Dangerfield is great! But yeah, I haven't looked into their manufacturing practices. So no idea there.

Designed in Australia made in China I think. Quality is low for the price, so only worth it if you get it at 50% off. My fave store though! I haven't done very well with this gauntlet, but I have successfully avoided this store (with the exception of the clearance outlet in Sydney where I bought a leather bag to replace a broken one and two pairs of tights from the $1 bin... tights were on my allowed list) all year. That in itself is a huge achievement for me (I used to be on first name basis with he girls at the EnEx store, and they'd always ask me how whatever I'd bought previously was going.... yikes!) I did used to be made in Oz, and they may still make some stuff here, but pretty sure the vast majority of it it made in china these days. I guess the good thing is it's still an Australian brand providing Australians with design work (unlike many other brands where design work is also offshore and all profits are going offshore).


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #454 on: June 27, 2014, 08:36:15 AM »
1/2 year check in.  Still good!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #455 on: June 27, 2014, 03:15:01 PM »
Halfway through the year, we're at $33.56 for two people, and that was socks for me and underwear for him - quite a bit of both, so we shouldn't need any more any time soon. So far so good!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #456 on: June 27, 2014, 03:55:22 PM »
Midyear report: I'm under $70 for the year despite all the business trip angst above. $20 of that is a pair of cheap sandals on clearance at Walmart which miraculously had enough arch support to work. I've worn virtually nothing else since I got them. Another $30 is a pair of Dr Shoal's black sneakers to give me a closed-toe option. In late May, I developed debilitating foot pain from what I believe to be plantar fascitis, and these two pair of shoes, combined with new inserts, have got me walking again. Oh, add $12 for arch supporting heel cups and gel padding for the ball of the foot, so I'm probably right at $80 for the year.

We've now been told that the business trip will be "business casual, emphasis on the casual," so I've revamped my plan to khakis. I think I'll look one more time for black pants that are more along the line of Dockers than the slacks I found, and then take the slacks as well so I'm not counting on two pairs of pants over six days with no ability to wash in case of a spill. I will, of course, seek these pants at thrift stores.

I also found a shredded tear in one of the pairs of carpenter pants that my husband wears to work, and it's too shredded to repair cleanly (thought not to patch) so that pair will be demoted to actual carpentry work and I'm on the prowl for sales on work pants for him. He can't wear actual jeans to work, but he tears up dress slacks, so our compromise has been Carhartt style brown and khaki pants. I'll buy another pair of those sometime before August when he goes back to school. A good sale or an off-brand alternative at the building supply store will mean I don't have to fork out for actual Carhartts, but if nothing turns up by August, that's what I'll have to do. He needs a pair for every day of the week because he gets visible dirt on things daily, and I do not have the time to wash during the week. I get the majority of his (pants) wardrobe at the little local building supply place and at Ace hardware, though his shirts I can find at thrift stores. :-)

So, that should be it for planned purchases this year. I will likely cave and buy something cute at the thrift store, a new sweater for fall or something like that. Regardless, however, we will come in about $150 if we buy name-brand Carhartts, well under my budget of $200 a year for clothing, and under $120 if I find an off-brand again this year.

The above is not perfect, but it's good enough for me, especially since we've managed to sustain at this level (the $200 or under budget) for at least the last eight years. It was harder the years I bought $100 Danskos new, but we did it. I'm comfortable with spending at that level even in retirement, and now that I know summer is a weakness for my wardrobe, I'll start looking for core pieces at thrift stores.

So, I didn't cooperate with the challenge, exactly. But I think I showed myself that I'm doing all right anyway. Following the challenge to the letter this year would have been counterproductive to a system that is working.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #457 on: June 28, 2014, 09:20:52 AM »
I need to recommit to this thread--I'll be switching jobs, and I'll have a slightly different, dressier, dress code.  So, I went a little nuts and spend about $200 on clothing at an outlet mall on vacation; however, I'm not buying any more clothing this year.  None!  No workout clothes, swimsuits, etc.!

I'm actually thinking of doing Project 333, because I tend to be kind of a boring dresser, and I think working with only my 30 best items might help me remix and engage in making cuter outfits in general.  If I do it, I'll probably start in August, because right now, I'm not actually working, so my wardrobe consists of shorts and tank tops.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #458 on: June 28, 2014, 10:01:31 AM »
Update: found the Dockers, actual name brand at Goodwill for $5.99, more than I will usually pay for pants. I bought men's, weirdly enough, but women's pants never fit me right, and I decided that if I was going to have ill-fitting clothes, they might as well be well-made ill-fitting clothes. A belt and some hemming will solve the problems, and the pockets are the stuff dreams are made of.

I also bought a pretty scarf for $1.99, so I'm not perfect. Focusing on "good enough" here. :-)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #459 on: June 28, 2014, 06:11:17 PM »
I bought some running shorts at REI.  They sent me a $20 off of $50 coupon, plus I had ~$10 dividend, so didn't spend too much OOP (bought a non-clothing item too, the shorts weren't $50).  Otherwise, doing pretty well, and have definitely kept it within reason on the work clothes end of things.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #460 on: July 01, 2014, 05:00:18 AM »
Half of 2014 is over--wow.  And I have spent $0 on clothes.

I was at my former high school (boarding school) last week, and I purposely avoided the bookstore (even though we were given a 25% coupon for one item) because I knew I would be tempted.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #461 on: July 01, 2014, 08:39:40 AM »
I, too, have spent $0 on clothing in 2014. Woot!

Child and spouse are not in this challenge, yet their costs have also been verrrry low. Spouse has spent $60 in 6 months. Child has loads of clothes from last year that still fit. One reason I did not include the kiddo is because I thought the fast rate of growth would mean clothing purchases, yet even that expense has been far lower than expected.

I've been WFH home more often and that makes outfits easy. I don't really have outfits at home. I just wear whatever I throw on--or sometimes even workout clothing so I don't have to bother changing before exercising.

Mrs. Frugalwoods

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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #462 on: July 01, 2014, 09:16:06 AM »
I confess that I've spent 50 cents on clothes in 2014: one hot-pink belt from a garage sale. I'm pretty happy about this. I'm impressed with myself that I made the transition from winter to spring to hot summer without caving! All of my old clothes are working just dandy.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #463 on: July 01, 2014, 10:00:47 AM »
I'm in for 2013.  I will have to evaluate at the beginning of 2014 for 2014.  Rules are no new clothes, except:
  • A pair of work pants (I need to replace several worn out ones I just got rid of)
  • Up to 2 sweaters (I've been looking for ones I will like for 2 years.  I'm picky.  I don't anticipate using this exclusion)
  • A bathing suit (replacing the one that finally died), if I stumble across one out of season
  • Thrift store purchases.  I've only ever bought one thing once (largely due to inconvenience of getting there), so maybe this will encourage me to go there.

Title implies 2014, but I think the first post discussed starting now.  That's why some of us pledged the "now" and set dates to reconsider the rest.  I pledged through the end of 2013.  Other than my brief bobble above (I bought tights, which was in the spirit still, and a $10 shirt, which was not), I've kept on the straight and narrow.  I am now committing to no purchases through March 2014, except I'll give myself a boots+$50 [spent $16] allowance for that time period.  I'm going to try to do without breaking into it, but it'll give me some leeway if I need to replace something without letting me into Ann Taylor (unless I'm on the clearance rank with a coupon, hmm....).

I've been taking this challenge quarter by quarter, as I find it more doable to commit to that way.  Above, I've noted what I've used in my "allowance" each time, so I've been keeping pretty straight and narrow.   I hereby set the rules for spring, April - June:

1. Another pair of work pants (I got rid of a lot of old ones)
2. The bathing suit is back!  Renewing it.
3. A work jacket
4. $50 Allowance

It's a bit, but I console myself by remind me that I haven't used half of my allowance in the past.

I *finally* bought the bathing suit, which I needed before my beach vacation.  But - I also spent over my $50 allowance (spending $65.54) when I went shopping with my sister, by buying a sun hat, second bathing suit, and shirt. 

I need to set my rule for next quarter, but they'll be coming delayed due to going out of town at the end of this week for vacation.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #464 on: July 02, 2014, 06:07:56 AM »
I'd like to jump in for the second half of the year! I couldn't participate the first half, as I'm pregnant with my first baby and needed maternity clothes, but now  that I have a small but adequate maternity wardrobe, I'd like to challenge myself to go the rest of my pregnancy and postpartum period without buying anything else (I will make an exception for undergarments).

I've been somewhat enjoying having a smaller wardrobe to work with, and I'd like to carry that mentality forward post-pregnancy!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #465 on: July 02, 2014, 06:10:09 AM »
Oh, and CommonCents, I have heard tons of good things about Lands End bathing suits, both for quality and for having styles that work for non-teenagers without being too frumpy. And they have an awesome return policy if you wear it a couple times before deciding it doesn't work for you.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #466 on: July 03, 2014, 07:59:37 PM »
$0 in 2014 for me too. I bought very little in 2013 - 2 bras, and a suit and blouse for an interview. So I'm amazed I'm still able to spend little. Lost a few kg recently which means more clothes I can wear. If I can lose a few more then some daggy stuff will be too big and I can donate it.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #467 on: July 03, 2014, 09:15:05 PM »
I'd like to join for the second half of the year too.  You are all so inspiring.  In 2013, pre-MMM, I spent, gulp, almost $2,400 on clothes.  So far, this year, I've spent $357.  It's still too much, but at least it's going in the right direction.

My only exceptions are bras, underwear and a new pair of sneakers.  I may be able to hold off on the bras and underwear, but my sneakers are really worn out.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #468 on: July 04, 2014, 07:38:07 AM »
I have failed miserably at this :(.  Clothes shopping is down but still a weakness.  Have stayed out of salvation army at least but Lord and Taylor outlet has some amazing linen stuff cheap last week. I caved. Maybe I will try again in a few months.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #469 on: July 04, 2014, 11:17:10 AM »
In 2013, pre-MMM, I spent, gulp, almost $2,400 on clothes.  So far, this year, I've spent $357.  It's still too much, but at least it's going in the right direction.

Hey BikerSaver, I bolded your numbers above because I wanted to point out that you have made HUGE progress!!  Good for you!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #470 on: July 04, 2014, 01:36:26 PM »
In 2013, pre-MMM, I spent, gulp, almost $2,400 on clothes.  So far, this year, I've spent $357.  It's still too much, but at least it's going in the right direction.

Hey BikerSaver, I bolded your numbers above because I wanted to point out that you have made HUGE progress!!  Good for you!

Thanks NinetyFour!  I've spent so much less this year and appreciated what I bought so much more.  Part of this year's spending was on new pants.  I lost 20 pounds since last summer and my old pants were just falling off.  I'd still like to lose more, but these pants should be good for another 20 pounds. :-)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #471 on: July 07, 2014, 12:56:20 PM »
I failed! Too bad. I bought a bikini, thights and a cap for our vacation; for a total of 65 EUR. Hopefully that will be all for this year.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #472 on: July 07, 2014, 01:22:25 PM »
I made it through June, but then I bought 3 pairs of shorts.  Fail.  I'm out.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #473 on: July 07, 2014, 01:27:07 PM »
I'm too late to start but how about this, my challenge will be no clothes between today and July 7th 2015, EXCEPT for 1 pair of flip flops, because I recently broke my pair, and the duct tape has not been holding.

To be honest, it's not much of a challenge for me. The only things I bought for clothes this year so far was a swim suit because I didn't have one and my apartment has a pool, a belt because my previous one broke, and a pack of underwear because mine seem to be disappearing. I got enough work clothes and all that already.

Edit: Actually no. Time to grow my mustache. I'll figure out how to properly repair my current pair. They're a nice pair, except for the fact that they're broken. No clothes until July 7th 2015 UNLESS I break something that I need and cannot repair it.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 01:34:13 PM by RyanHesson »


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #474 on: July 07, 2014, 07:55:14 PM »
I'm too late to start but how about this, my challenge will be no clothes between today and July 7th 2015, EXCEPT for 1 pair of flip flops, because I recently broke my pair, and the duct tape has not been holding.

To be honest, it's not much of a challenge for me. The only things I bought for clothes this year so far was a swim suit because I didn't have one and my apartment has a pool, a belt because my previous one broke, and a pack of underwear because mine seem to be disappearing. I got enough work clothes and all that already.

Edit: Actually no. Time to grow my mustache. I'll figure out how to properly repair my current pair. They're a nice pair, except for the fact that they're broken. No clothes until July 7th 2015 UNLESS I break something that I need and cannot repair it.
Post a picture if you're able to repair your sandals!  I'm so impressed.  I tried to repair a few pairs of jeans (myself and outsourcing), and both methods failed miserably. 

But there's really no need to post a picture of the broken swimsuit--especially if it is being worn.  Thanks.  ;-)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #475 on: July 13, 2014, 08:02:36 AM »
Ugh--I bought two shirts on sale at Anthropologie--just a few days after saying I would recommit to no new clothes!  However, I feel totally ridiculous and have already packaged them up to return.  I'll take them to the post office tomorrow.  I'm nervous about my new job, and I think I'm buying clothing to make myself feel more "prepared" or something.  I usually don't struggle with buying clothing.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #476 on: July 14, 2014, 06:38:31 AM »
Good luck in your new job! I am a fashion addict so this has been really hard for me...i have falled off a few times but i reckon i am well under half last years spend so it's certainly helping me to not shop for fun or to destress. Yeah i am silly... Happy = lets buy new clothes. Stressed out = let's shop ha ha sense and this challenge is making me realise that!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #477 on: July 14, 2014, 09:59:47 AM »
Lesson from my failure: Remove clothing that doesn't fit from your wardrobe.  If you must keep it, keep it away from the rest!

I accidentally brought the wrong pair of jeans on a vacation with me, which is two sizes too small, and had a missing top button to boot.  I checked the size too before packing, but just read it incorrectly!  I felt like I really needed jeans on the trip (plus could probably use a pair otherwise - haven't bought in several years), so I ended up running to the store and buying a new pair, although I luckily find one on a very good sale.  This weekend I'm going to give my other pair of illfitting but not used much jeans (bought after a very bad breakup, when I weighed a probably unhealthy 105 lbs) to my sister and scour my wardrobe for other clothes to which I've been clinging that don't fit well.  My purge where I donated a bunch of clothes last summer was clearly not deep enough!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #478 on: July 14, 2014, 01:46:39 PM »
Good luck in your new job! I am a fashion addict so this has been really hard for me...i have falled off a few times but i reckon i am well under half last years spend so it's certainly helping me to not shop for fun or to destress. Yeah i am silly... Happy = lets buy new clothes. Stressed out = let's shop ha ha sense and this challenge is making me realise that!

I need to do a purge as well.  Have not been nearly as badass as most of the posters here, but this challenge has definitely kept the spend down for the year.  I guess I'm still sort of redefining my personal style/self image after losing a bunch of weight and becoming more comfortable/established at my job, because I couldn't stand to wear much of the stuff I wore last summer, and have bought several new tops.  At a minimum I need to jettison an equivalent amount of old clothing to compensate for the new stuff that's come in.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #479 on: July 14, 2014, 07:22:49 PM »
I'm currently on my Boston trip and love love love my thrifted men's Docker's pants. The pockets... Oh, my god, the pockets! There are four, all a functional size, on just one pair of pants! And the fabric has enough weight to hold its shape and look good through a 12-hour day. Also, they're long enough to sit and not pull halfway up my shins.

That's it. For every occasion for which khakis will do, I'm cross-dressing in used clothing from here on out! ;)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #480 on: July 18, 2014, 11:16:22 AM »
Ugh--I bought two shirts on sale at Anthropologie--just a few days after saying I would recommit to no new clothes!  However, I feel totally ridiculous and have already packaged them up to return.  I'll take them to the post office tomorrow.  I'm nervous about my new job, and I think I'm buying clothing to make myself feel more "prepared" or something.  I usually don't struggle with buying clothing.

Are you me??  I did this exact same thing (anthro sale tops) under the exact same circumstances (new job). 


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #481 on: July 20, 2014, 08:51:56 AM »
Ugh--I bought two shirts on sale at Anthropologie--just a few days after saying I would recommit to no new clothes!  However, I feel totally ridiculous and have already packaged them up to return.  I'll take them to the post office tomorrow.  I'm nervous about my new job, and I think I'm buying clothing to make myself feel more "prepared" or something.  I usually don't struggle with buying clothing.

Are you me??  I did this exact same thing (anthro sale tops) under the exact same circumstances (new job).

Haha--damn you Anthro tag sales!

I have to say, I really struggle with those online "all sale items are 40% off" promotions that they have at places like JCrew and Anthropologie.  I start to justify buying something unnecessary by
thinking about how much I'm "saving" by buying it now.  Face punch! 


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #482 on: July 20, 2014, 02:41:30 PM »
I'd like to join for the second half of the year too.  You are all so inspiring.  In 2013, pre-MMM, I spent, gulp, almost $2,400 on clothes.  So far, this year, I've spent $357.  It's still too much, but at least it's going in the right direction.

My only exceptions are bras, underwear and a new pair of sneakers.  I may be able to hold off on the bras and underwear, but my sneakers are really worn out.

So far, so good.  I spent $55 on sneakers today which brings my YTD clothes total to $412.  I also stopped myself from looking for a new purse today and shopped from my closet instead.    My guess is that saved me between $50 and $80.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #483 on: July 21, 2014, 06:02:49 AM »
You guys are awesome. :)   I was just reading about project 333 after reading an article at earlyretirementextreme, and I think I am going to try to pare down my wardrobe and stop or slow down buying.  So far this summer I have not done much clothes shopping (held one Lia Sophia party for a friend, duh!)  But nothing new.  I have been fine!  No biggie!

Anyway, I love what you are doing.  Great job!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #484 on: July 21, 2014, 08:49:23 AM »
This topic is so inspirational. 

I've been lurking and committed in the background, letting you all influence me!  I live rurally on a super tight budget without access to good clothing stores, but even thrift shop deals are too much when I already own enough!

My goals are to have a smaller wardrobe of clothing that I love to wear and feel confident and comfortable in. 

I am transitioning, spending the summer in a physical labor job, then going back to college and office work in the fall.  It's been years since I have worked in a professional setting.  I anticipate needing to buy a few things in the fall, but am trying hard not to buy now.  I want to wait until I KNOW what I need instead of buying things that I might not actually wear.

I am also losing weight!  25 pounds in the past year.  17 pounds since April.  I am finally back into my favorite jeans from 2006!  It's a wonderful feeling.  I haven't needed to buy new clothing yet.  I've been sewing and altering and wearing my belt.  It's amazing how many things I had kept that were just a little too small that fit or are too big but workable now! 
My one slip up was in May, one of my good friends was getting married and I discovered I fit into a dress that had been too tight previously.  And I looked GOOD!  Then a crush of mine texted about dancing at the wedding and that was it, I broke down and bought nude heels.  I had them on my list for a couple years, but never found a pair I liked well enough that was cheap enough.  Well I danced for hours at that wedding and have worn the heels to 2 more events since then, which is pretty good for my very casual lifestyle.  They fill a hole in my wardrobe and I got rid of the strapy white sandals I hated but kept for their versatility.

I've decided to keep track of the clothing that I acquire for free as well.  I struggled a bit with whether I would accept free clothing.  I don't need or want promotional tshirts!  I decided that I can accept, but I obviously don't have to.  I also want to track what I made and the source of my free stuff.

C. K.

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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #485 on: July 27, 2014, 09:27:23 AM »
These might help.

Too Tight Dress into Blouse for the Ball

A lady gave herself a one-year no-shopping challenge. Here's her blog: Goodbye Valentino
She's now making money as a Mood Fabrics Sewing Blogger.
She started a Ready-To-Wear Fast for 2014 with a number of other people: RTW Fast


Another one refashions things and calls herself The Renegade Seamstress.

BurdaStyle Web Seminar Presented by The Renegade Seamstress height=321


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #486 on: July 27, 2014, 09:27:27 PM »

Another one refashions things and calls herself The Renegade Seamstress.

BurdaStyle Web Seminar Presented by The Renegade Seamstress height=321

Wow, I love this site, thanks for the link!  Maybe in the winter there will be time for this kind of thing...


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #487 on: August 17, 2014, 06:15:04 PM »
I'm with you - I love my men's work pants I got at Costco, they are so great for gardening, and all the pockets are handy.

That's it. For every occasion for which khakis will do, I'm cross-dressing in used clothing from here on out! ;)

And Astatine, they are hoodies here as well.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 06:17:07 PM by RetiredAt63 »


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #488 on: August 18, 2014, 03:27:16 AM »
Undies disintegrated and I was sick of them crackcrawling due to the leg elastic being gone. Lashed out and bought 4 pr new undies - cost $7.50.  Otherwise having a great time NOT buying clothes.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #489 on: August 19, 2014, 02:13:41 PM »
Joining late! The only exceptions are second hand clothes plus gift cards. I have a lot of $$ in gift cards that I haven't spent.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #490 on: August 19, 2014, 03:10:14 PM »
weakness.  broke down.  Bought some thrift shop jeans, shorts, tshirt and super cute leather shoes.  Total of about $8 and I've worn them all repeatedly since buying. I don't regret it.  Good fits that round out my wardrobe since I've lost weight and everything else is big on me.

The struggle is now to not let myself slip again!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #491 on: August 21, 2014, 03:35:42 PM »
Undies disintegrated and I was sick of them crackcrawling due to the leg elastic being gone. Lashed out and bought 4 pr new undies - cost $7.50.  Otherwise having a great time NOT buying clothes.

Underwear doesn't count in my personal challenge. =-) Socks don't either.

Still at $0 for the year! It's hard to believe it's been nearly a whole 8 months without a clothing purchase. Whoa!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #492 on: August 21, 2014, 05:05:14 PM »
Undies disintegrated and I was sick of them crackcrawling due to the leg elastic being gone. Lashed out and bought 4 pr new undies - cost $7.50.  Otherwise having a great time NOT buying clothes.

Underwear doesn't count in my personal challenge. =-) Socks don't either.

Still at $0 for the year! It's hard to believe it's been nearly a whole 8 months without a clothing purchase. Whoa!
I'm so impressed!  I broke down a while back and bought some workout gear and running shoes.   I've been back on track for a few months now. 


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #493 on: August 21, 2014, 06:13:41 PM »
I bought a pair of cheapo flip flops today for $2.50.  To me, that does not count as clothing.

I already own one pair of flip flops, but they live in my locker at my workplace because the floors in that locker room are gross.

Up till now, whenever I needed that pair of flip flops (for a road trip or visit to the hot springs), I had to go to my workplace and retrieve them.  Well, not any more.  Now I am the proud (?) owner of TWO pairs of cheapo flip flops.  ;-)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #494 on: August 22, 2014, 11:37:27 AM »
Nice one.  Just saw this  About 2 months ago I declared that I have bought clothes for the rest of my life.  A bit extreme, but have enough work clothes (chinos, shirts, shoes) to last me the rest of my working life at least +/- 3 years.  I have enough "relaxing" clothes to last me a very long time.  Natural "retirement" and replacement of some stuff (t-shirts, socks, underwear, shorts) will occur of course as degradation of same takes place, but I have waaay too many clothes for at least the next 5 years.

Just FYI, I have (had) a philosophy of never paying more than $5 for a new work (dress) shirt, $20 for a new pair of chinos and $40 for a pair of shoes- and that at the time I had (and still have) a job including having to meet with clients (and now vendors) for a very traditional Fortune 500 company...  Just a matter of shopping at the right time at the right place.  Last time I bought chinos was on line with a $50 gas card as a reward even though the 5 pairs of dockers chinos I bought were $20 a pair.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #495 on: August 22, 2014, 12:27:24 PM »
About 2 months ago I declared that I have bought clothes for the rest of my life.  A bit extreme, but have enough work clothes (chinos, shirts, shoes) to last me the rest of my working life at least +/- 3 years.  I have enough "relaxing" clothes to last me a very long time.  Natural "retirement" and replacement of some stuff (t-shirts, socks, underwear, shorts) will occur of course as degradation of same takes place, but I have waaay too many clothes for at least the next 5 years.

I have come to the same conclusion looking around in my huge closet the other day.  I definitely have enough working clothes and shoes to last me until I retire in 2018.  And plenty of "leisure" clothes too.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #496 on: August 25, 2014, 04:46:24 PM »
My grand total of clothes purchased for the year so far is one swimsuit, one dressy cami to go under a blazer, 2 under-scrub shirts, 2 pairs of pants (hiking, both convertible to capris, which makes them year-round for me), and some new underclothes.  Total cost ~$125.   

I have tons of clothes in my closet/dresser, unfortunately, I'm about one size too big for most of them.  I'm also doing the weight-loss challenge, so hopefully most of them will return to fit before too long.  If not, I'll donate them.     


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #497 on: September 30, 2014, 11:08:41 AM »
I bought a couple pairs of jeans after putting it off as long as I could - I was down to one pair of really beat up ones, but was able to wear shorts and skirts all spring and summer. Now that it's winter, that's not going to work anymore.

It was, however, a birthday present from a family member, so I'm not counting it!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #498 on: September 30, 2014, 11:49:37 AM »
I'm in for 2013.  I will have to evaluate at the beginning of 2014 for 2014.  Rules are no new clothes, except:
  • A pair of work pants (I need to replace several worn out ones I just got rid of)
  • Up to 2 sweaters (I've been looking for ones I will like for 2 years.  I'm picky.  I don't anticipate using this exclusion)
  • A bathing suit (replacing the one that finally died), if I stumble across one out of season
  • Thrift store purchases.  I've only ever bought one thing once (largely due to inconvenience of getting there), so maybe this will encourage me to go there.

Title implies 2014, but I think the first post discussed starting now.  That's why some of us pledged the "now" and set dates to reconsider the rest.  I pledged through the end of 2013.  Other than my brief bobble above (I bought tights, which was in the spirit still, and a $10 shirt, which was not), I've kept on the straight and narrow.  I am now committing to no purchases through March 2014, except I'll give myself a boots+$50 [spent $16] allowance for that time period.  I'm going to try to do without breaking into it, but it'll give me some leeway if I need to replace something without letting me into Ann Taylor (unless I'm on the clearance rank with a coupon, hmm....).

I've been taking this challenge quarter by quarter, as I find it more doable to commit to that way.  Above, I've noted what I've used in my "allowance" each time, so I've been keeping pretty straight and narrow.   I hereby set the rules for spring, April - June:

1. Another pair of work pants (I got rid of a lot of old ones)
2. The bathing suit is back!  Renewing it.
3. A work jacket
4. $50 Allowance

It's a bit, but I console myself by remind me that I haven't used half of my allowance in the past.

I *finally* bought the bathing suit, which I needed before my beach vacation.  But - I also spent over my $50 allowance (spending $65.54) when I went shopping with my sister, by buying a sun hat, second bathing suit, and shirt. 

I need to set my rule for next quarter, but they'll be coming delayed due to going out of town at the end of this week for vacation.

Well it's been a year for me.  Although I bought more than I said I would, it's been instructional in that I've learned what I really feel is missing from my wardrobe as I've continued to want to find those pieces all year (if I hadn't give myself permission to get and purchased), and what I didn't miss not buying.

Didn't miss: shirts, skirts, dresses
Filled holes in wardrobe (and now do not feel I need to buy more): bathing suit, sweaters
Still want: work appropriate blazers/jackets (never bought), work appropriate pants (need to replace worn ones), belts, boots (never bought)

I've also really embraced the idea of paring down my wardrobe and releasing items that I don't love or don't make me happy, and ones that are worn out.  The links here and elsewhere on fashionblogs has been helpful to revamp how I see my clothes, and how to style things differently with layers (e.g. a pop of a tank top under a sweater shirt or dress).  So even though I ddn't fully follow through, ultimately it was a "win" for me as I learned quite a bit.  Thanks all!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #499 on: October 01, 2014, 01:32:02 AM »
I've just been putting away winter clothes and going through options for warmer weather. I've lost quite a lot of weight and released several bags of clothes that no longer fit and/or have holes/hate them. The good news is I have oodles and oodles of clothes that fit. Even stuff thats ok for work.  Looks like I'm set for at least the rest of 2014. Total clothes for 2013 and 2014 - 2 bras, 4 pr undies and interview suit and blouse.