I've been watching this thread with some interest, but no intention of joining. I find myself admiring others' frugal ways while thinking, "But I could never do that." Why the hell not? It's time I challenge my defeatist attitude when it comes to spending money.
So...I am on the bandwagon. The only exception would be if something that is critical to my wardrobe got holes in it that are unfixable (I have a limited work wardrobe that I rotate through--three skirts and three pairs of pants--if any one of those wore out, I'd have to replace them.) I have plenty of jackets and tops though, so no excuse to buy there, even if one wears out.
Also, not quite sure how to handle kids. They outgrow things and they NEVER pass on a pair of jeans (they wear through the knees within a matter of weeks), and they also wear out gloves, snowpants, and boots. But here I will really challenge myself to question whether something really needs to be replaced and if yes, then I will look first to buy used.
Last year we spent an average of $305 per month on clothes for a family of five. Shouldn't be hard to beat that!