Paid off our home last month ;)
We spent 2 years looking for the perfect house, saving tons of money while occasionally submitted very low ball offers on a house we liked. We finally found the perfect house and they accepted an offer of $200,000, down from the asking price of $235k. Since we had been saving for 2 years I was able to put 50% plus closing costs down.
After we moved in we made a budget based on the least amount of money I could possible earn. Everything extra went into the house, including last years tax return and my retention bonus plus a few weeks of unexpected overtime work. I also put in 2 full paychecks since we receive 26 per year.
First payment on the $100,000 mortgage was on June 16th, 2014
Final payoff payment was on October 6th 2015
Ended up paying about $6,000 for the loan including interest (3.625% @ 15 years).
Age 33
Married with 2 children
Total family salary around $120,000
Net worth was below $30k 4 years ago, Around $275k today with no outside sources of income.
Next step is reducing our budget further/again (It started slipping as soon as we were close to paying the house off) and to start investing