I'm currently wondering about the point
2. Pay off any debts with interest rates ~5% or more above the current 10-year Treasury note yield.
I have a loan with 3.19% interest rate. So far I've been investing any spare money instead of paying off the loan above the required monthly payment. Inflation currently is higher than the interest rate. Our 10y government bonds have negative return.
Recently I'm wondering if 3.19% guaranteed return is actually not quite acceptable given the current market valuations as well as the possible rate hikes.
Any thoughts on this subject?
There is this: "Note that embedded in "high enough" is the assumption that your alternative is "all stocks" or a "fund of funds"
(e.g., target retirement date) that provides a blend of stock and bond returns. If you wish to consider separate bond funds, compare the yield on a fund
with a duration similar to the time remaining on the loan, and put your money toward the one with the higher after-tax interest/yield."
The debate between "lower guaranteed" vs. "higher expected but not guaranteed" has no definitive answer - except in hindsight.