Suddenly hungry for top round of lamb
What about top round of [Mustang, Pinto, Bronco,
Miura 1966-1972: Named for the Miura family and its line of Spanish fighting bulls.
Islero 1968-1969: Named for the Miura bull that killed bullfighter Manolete in 1947.
Espada 1968-1978: the Spanish word for sword also a common synonym used to refer to a bullfighter.
Jarama 1970-1976: Named after a historic Spanish bullfighting region.
Urraco 1973-1979: Named after a famous bull breed.
Jalpa 1981-1988: Named after a famous bull breed.
Diablo 1990-2001: Named after a vicious bull that fought against El Chicorro in 1869.
Murcielago 2001-2010: Named after a famous bull whose life was spared by El Lagartijo in 1879.
Gallardo 2003-2013: Named for one of the five Spanish bull breed castes.
Reventon 2008-2010: Named for the bull that defeated Felix Guzman in 1943.
Aventador 2011-Present: Named for a famous bull that fought in 1993.
Huracan 2014-Present: Named for a famous bull that fought in 1879.
or closer to your idea.... Gama Goat
mmmm, tasty......