Fair warning: I just pulled $60K out of an old 401(k) to roll it into my new plan. It'll take about 2 weeks to get the money re-invested. Expect a steep market runup over the next 2 weeks, followed by an unprecedented cratering.
I know that feeling.
I transferred 300k last january from my old employer to the new one. had to be done by check. it was my new years resolution to get it done last year so i moved into action early jan. took 2 weeks from selling the old funds to buying the new ones.
missed the 150 point run up in the s&p. got reinvested just in time to see it drop 10%.
had I procrastinated by a couple of weeks (something I'm good at) I'd have pulled the money out at the top and reinvested after that big drop.
I (being the idiot i am) actually calculated that the poor timing of my fund movement cost me something like 27K compared to doing nothing. ( I didn't hit exactly the top and bottom last jan but it was close)
le sigh.