No one has posted here in three days. Whats wrong with you slackers?
At the risk of jinxing my own track record, I will provide a quick explanation as to why no one posted for three days based on empirical observation:
Because someone (not saying whom, but someone) actually called the local top and the local bottom. On the plus side, now we know how this thread will finally die: as soon as someone called the major top/bottom.
So basically... we each take turns randomly calling the top and bottom; then when one of us is finally right he or she or it gets crowned the winner?
Seems sound.
You can calculate each person's right/wrong call ratio if you prefer, or even add other variables such as # of calls made total, the tools are ready-made, just take them from sports
stats analytics. There are people who can time (better than chance), and there are people who can't time (worse than chance). Just like there are people who can shoot hoops better than others.
The crowd often makes the mistake of grouping them in the same category and say "omg on average the chances of anyone getting things right are below 50%!!!"
Yes, we can't always tell who's whom at first glance, but the clues are there, if you know where to look. Think of it as talent scouts and drafters.