•It's hard to beat a 0.00% expense ratio.
•Also my company is in the financial industry. Their investment department HAS to be good, or the company would have been out of business long ago.
•We have no other option for a fund with no expense ratio (well, there is a "fixed" fund--treasuries, etc). Our only other choice is one of the target date Vanguard funds.
•The two private funds mentioned above have returned great returns since inception (over 40 years). Both the large cap and the 60/40 private funds returned nearly 10%, with the large cap winning by 0.45%.
Most active managers do not beat Vanguard index funds, yet the companies stay in business and thrive. Your company's fund management could be less than mediocre and still the company does well.
Is it really 0% expense ratio? Or is it 0% management fee? There's a difference, and it could be significant.
What does "returned great returns since inception" mean to you? Substantially outperformed the S&P500?
Most people here, it seems to me, are mainly in US large caps (VTSAX, etc). It's not optimal, but will probably do OK.