Hi everyone. This is kind of embarrassing, because I know the answers, I just need a little reassurance. But I’m guessing I’m not the only person who feels this way about big financial moves. I have a 403b with a brokerage that costs me at least 1% a year in management fees. I left my job 4 years ago, and I plan to roll the whole thing into a Vanguard IRA I already have. Clearly this is the right thing to do, in fact I should’ve done it a while ago but brokerages are good at hiding fees so I didn’t realize what it was costing me to leave my money where it was. But I find it uncomfortable to “fire” people like brokers and doctors, so I feel guilty about moving my money, although I know it’s stupid to feel that way. And I’m nervous about moving what is quite a lot of money, especially if it will involve me receiving a very large check and having to mail it to Vanguard? (I don’t know if it’ll happen that way, that seems crazy to me these days, but from what I’ve read online it’s common to do it that way rather than an automatic transfer of some kind). So I would appreciate a virtual pat on the shoulder that yes this is the right thing to do, and that I should just do it. The instructions on the Vanguard site seem pretty simple. Thank you, MMM community!