So my wife makes about 55k (teacher) and I make $103k.
She has a terrible AXA 403(b) Annuity with 1%, management fee, 1% fee funding options and a ton of other crappy fees. Effectively making the account +2% in fees. No employer match!
There are about 6 other 403b providers on her list but only one called us back after multiple attempts.
The one that called us back has a 1% fee (0.25% quarterly), Vanguard Admiral shares, and not other fees. Effectively making the account fees about %1.05-%1.15 which is a whole 1% less than AXA but still very expensive :/
Should we bite the smaller bullet and switch to the lower cost provider?
Does she stop contributing in the 403(b)?
She can only put 5k in an IRA, but I would like her to contribute about 10k a year in a tax advantages account.
What do you guys think?
P.s. I am really pissed with the chooses she is given! These are horrid 403(b) options! Can I do anything about it?