Version 22.01 (2022)- Updated the Social Security benefit examples to use the latest ones from the SSA. No change in the calculations, which do match the examples exactly.
- Added an input cell for the non-refundable credits that appears on Schedule 3 lines 5 and 6.
- Added the ability to find the exact maximum Self-Employed Health Insurance amount when the Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit is also present.
- Added Long Term Care (LTC) insurance amounts to itemized medical deductions. Haven't added the age-dependent test on the maximum LTC premiums that may be used - probably won't bother unless/until someone has a particular need for this.
- Added the ability to determine the optimum amount of unrestricted college scholarship funds to include as income.
- Updated state tax brackets and rates - thanks once again to the Tax Foundation who publishes this summary.
- Updated comments in some cells to give better directions.
Thanks to dandarc and Mrs Brightside for their suggestions that have been incorporated in this version. So far no errors have surfaced, so this release is all new functionality and documentation.
As a reminder, setting cell Calculation!R2 to 2021 should provide the same results in the 2022 version for 2021 taxes as the 2021 version calculates. One could do that to check whether this tool gives a "close enough" 2021 calculation when compared with your commercial tax software of choice. If so, there is a good chance it will provide (to the extent income is predicted correctly) a good estimate of 2022 tax liability when R2 = 2022.
Here's the "More on both the SEHI/PTC iteration and the education credit hacking in future versions" mentioned in the last update.
I'll use Harry Sit's
2021 Self-Employed ACA Health Insurance Deduction In TurboTax article for an SEHI/PTC example.
- Set cell B30 = 45000, B114 = 500, B115 = -150, AE100 = 7200, G2 =1, G9 = 35, R2 = 2021, and R80 = N. Those should match the income and ACA values.
- To have the CSS do the iterative SEHI/PTC calculations, in Excel go to "File > Options > Formulas" and use the settings shown below. If iterations will converge, they usually converge quickly. These settings seem to give accurate-enough results in a short-enough time.

- Put the formula =AD159 into cell B48
That should give the result of $1,388 for the SEHI deduction, and a total PTC (cell AD102) of $4,612, same as in the linked example. Deleting the formula in B48 and entering 1388 as a value shouldn't change the PTC, and thus confirm the calculations.
Things get trickier if the selected premium is $498/mo instead of $500/mo. Change B114 to 498, put =AD159 into B48, and the SEHI result is $1,377 with a total PTC of $4,612. This is not a legal result because $1377+$4612=$5989 and that is more than $498*12=$5976. At least it's closer than what TurboTax calculates (see comment #3 in the linked article). But there is a way to get the exact best legal answer:
- An SEHI guess of $1377 gives a result only $13 too high, so the correct number is probably close to that.
- Put "B48" (w/o quotes) into cell G107. Click the "Update chart" button near L114.
- Ensure =AH96 is in cell R83
- Set P84 = 1200 and P83 = 1. This will check every whole dollar value from $1200 to $1700.
- See the result of $1,371 in cell R78.
- Confirm that by putting 1371 into B48. The PTC is $4,599 for a total of $5,970.
- Putting 1372 into B48, the PTC is $4,611 for a total of $5,983. $1371 provides a legal result, but $1372 is too high.
See p. 16-17 of Pub. 970, and the
Education Benefits Calculator tool page, for background on choosing to make some types of college scholarship money taxable in order to receive more in education credits than the additional tax on that amount.
Picking up where the SEHI/PTC example left off (i.e., $498/mo premium), assume the filer has $6000 in qualified education expenses and a $4000 unrestricted (e.g., it can be used for room & board in addition to tuition) scholarship. This would be simpler without the SEHI/PTC complication, but let's do both at once:
- Set cell B48 back to the =AD159 formula.
- In cell B92, put the formula =MAX(0,(AOTC_Expense - (Unrestricted_Scholarship-D40))/12). Use 6000 for AOTC_Expense and 4000 for Unrestricted_Scholarship, so the actual formula will be =MAX(0,(6000-(4000-D40))/12)
- Put "D40" (w/o quotes) into cell G107. Click the "Update chart" button near L114.
- If needed, put "D67" (w/o quotes) into cell L107. Click the "Update chart" button near L114.
- Set P84 = 0 and P83 = 8. See the result of $1,896 in cell Q78.
In words, what the above accomplished was to check every $8 increment of taxable scholarship money from $0 to $4000 (there are ~500 points in the chart) for the lowest overall tax bill, including all credits. Assuming $1,896 is close to "the middle of the ballpark", now try P84 = 1650 and P83 = 1. That refines the answer to $1,899.
The iterated SEHI amount comes to $1618, but that is not a converged solution, as one can verify using the SEHI/PTC procedure above. The dollar-by-dollar test gives $1612 for the SEHI amount.
Cells P76:R78, along with this write-up, can help as a guide for what needs doing on both the SEHI/PTC and education credit issues.
Don't know if anyone will use either of these (let along both at the same time), but maybe....
As always, comments/suggestions/bug identifications/etc. are appreciated. Either PM me or drop a note here.
2021 taxes version:
2021 Case Study Spreadsheet2022 taxes version:
2022 Case Study SpreadsheetNote: - Rather than "Request Edit Access" to the file on Google Drive - which, if granted, would allow one to edit the same file that everyone else sees, so it will not be granted ;)
- For the 2021 version, click the "Download" icon at the top right after the file opens.
- For the 2022 version, click File>Download>Microsoft Excel (xls)
Then, either open in Excel immediately, edit, and later save from Excel to your computer, or save immediately to your computer and later open and edit that file with Excel.
- See and
regarding warnings one might see, and why those are spurious warnings for these files.