Who you areI am a 40 something, tenured, social sciences professor living in Smoky Mtns of US.
What you do [elevator pitch]
- use my previous research and area of academic expertise to try to help business build relationships - have created some print materials that companies use to help their clients and to generate more sales for their business
- have begun consulting with some of these businesses about how to improve their customer service (on one specific topic)
- present at professional conferences, go to trade shows, and write articles for trade journals
I'm in the early stages of working with 1 or 2 companies as a long-term consultant, product-development, trainer. My goal is to eventually do this full-time and stop being a professor.
And I make most of my current side income at home by stuffing envelopes (seriously)
Your biggest entrepreneurial/business challenge(s)- Translating academic research, knowledge and skills into products and services that businesses will actually pay for
- Creating enough consistent income that it makes sense to give up a job-for-life with decent benefits
- Breaking in to a very traditional business field that doesn't like change
Your best piece of advice for others- Start lean. Get out there and start selling and talking to people.
- Be ready to adjust your plan/services/product to what people will actually pay for (I know have income from things I'd never thought I'd do (even though I'm happy doing it and it fits my skillset))
- Things will likely happen twice as slowly as you expect
- Don't underestimate the power of relationships and familiarity
- Don't underestimate the power of hanging in there, being visible, writing for trade journals, etc.
Your favorite Entrepreneur resourceMMM forum and now this subforum
- books like 4 Hour Workweek, $200 Startup, The Lean Startup
Goals for Revenue/Income- From my side gigs I currently net the equivalent of 50% of my regular salary. I hope to grow that to 130% of my regular salary and then switch to my sales/consulting/speaking full-time. I hope to quit my day job within 2 years.
Extra: This is a thread where I asked advice about consulting with big companies, fees, agreements, etc. and provides some disguised background about my field.