It's been nearly two weeks, and I just noticed that MMM put out a new post.
The real gem of the post is hidden further down in it, when he talks about how they created an "Optimization Council" at MMM HQ. Basically, it's surrounding yourself with other financially intentional people and all working together to help find ways to improve optimization and keep each other accountable. It's a case of where keeping up with the Jones' can create positive results, by replacing the traditional Jones' with mustachian Jones'.
It's probably a little easier to create an Optimization Council at MMM HQ than it would be anywhere else. Finance continues to be such a taboo subject, and anything that could indicate to your friends that there is a significant difference in income or net worth could create resentment. However, it seems like a great way to help people around you to become a little more intentional with their finances.
With that in mind, has anyone else established something similar in their social circles?