Author Topic: Optimization Council (from 8/22/19 article)  (Read 9779 times)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Optimization Council (from 8/22/19 article)
« on: September 03, 2019, 10:18:54 AM »
It's been nearly two weeks, and I just noticed that MMM put out a new post.

The real gem of the post is hidden further down in it, when he talks about how they created an "Optimization Council" at MMM HQ. Basically, it's surrounding yourself with other financially intentional people and all working together to help find ways to improve optimization and keep each other accountable. It's a case of where keeping up with the Jones' can create positive results, by replacing the traditional Jones' with mustachian Jones'.

It's probably a little easier to create an Optimization Council at MMM HQ than it would be anywhere else. Finance continues to be such a taboo subject, and anything that could indicate to your friends that there is a significant difference in income or net worth could create resentment. However, it seems like a great way to help people around you to become a little more intentional with their finances.

With that in mind, has anyone else established something similar in their social circles?


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Re: Optimization Council (from 8/22/19 article)
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2019, 10:31:36 AM »
Things are starting to evolve into an ad hoc optimization council with my older family members as I help them go over their retirement plans and budgets (they’re all retiring in the next few years). They all live near each other and get together every week for dinner so even when I’m out of town I think they’ll continue to share their finance optimization strategies. And although I’ve been giving them most of the tips, I have picked up a thing or two from them.


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Re: Optimization Council (from 8/22/19 article)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2019, 09:53:09 PM »
The comments section is pretty good on that post, I keep skimming through to up my game.  Unfortunately, the downside to relying on someone else's suggestions (even if it is lowest cost) is that their values might not align with your own.  One commenter (Josh) said -
Quote (the affiliate in MMM's post) aka Creative Labs is owned by Fox Corporation, same corporate entity that creates Fox News.
Just FYI.

MMM has not addressed this August 22nd comment although he's been active in the comments section above and below that comment.  Yeah, not willing to save money if it requires giving money to Fox Corp.

Bloop Bloop

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Re: Optimization Council (from 8/22/19 article)
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2019, 06:34:14 AM »
Most people I am friends with are people I consider to be intelligent, financially thoughtful, and who have similar spending (not necessarily earning) patterns to me. This is by design.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!