Yeah, it's shocking that he's only written a miniscule five posts so far this year. By this time last year he had written a massively higher six posts.
Interesting point. I hadn't thought to compare, so these were the 2019 posts:
May 2019 -Our Shared Ongoing Battle To Not Buy A Tesla
April 2019 -
The Real Benefit of Being Rich
How I Sold This Website for $9 Million
February 2019 -
How to Create Reality
Four Ways We Can Hang Out
January 2019 - How To Slow Down Time and Live Longer
And these are the 2020 posts:
May 2020 - Introducing Coverage Critic: Time to Kill the $80 Mobile Phone Bill Forever
April 2020 -
The Medicine of Mustachianism (a guest post from Marla)
No, You Didn’t Just Lose Half Of Your Retirement Savings
March 2020 - Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
January 2020 - Exposed! Mr. Money Mustache’s 2019 Bachelor Spending!
2020 has basically been his usual annual spend post, the post that we are criticizing on this thread, and two guest posts (I count the 'coverage critic' as a guest post). So yeah, he actually has slowed down on spreading 'the message' quite substantially.