Author Topic: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus  (Read 28532 times)


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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #50 on: May 29, 2020, 05:49:33 PM »
Pete is Pete, we all know what we're getting when we read the blog. It's always going to come across as him lacking sympathy for employees. His entire trope is getting you to a position where you are not one of those people. That you can approach something like COVID-19 from a "position of strength". The message has always been harsh, that's his way of getting his point across. Honestly? Stands to reason there wouldn't be so much suffering from unemployment if more people were FIRED...

I don't expect him to be an expert on absolutely everything. So I don't take all my life advice from him. I read it, research some more if I find something interesting/unusual/odd and move on with my life.

This is not over folks, people that don't seem ill are spreading this thing - don't be that person!  This virus can be beaten, as New Zealand and Australia show, and many places are showing infections are on the decline or are stamping out quickly-identified and contact-traced embers...  but it takes the effort of all, discipline and being well-informed, and not giving in to blind hubris and optimism.  Being healthy might keep you alive (no guarantees), but certainly won't prevent an infection and spreading the virus further.

It can be beaten. It just takes a few weeks of seemingly harsh restrictions. We implemented it. Got it over and done with (despite the complaints from loud voices, including people in this forum who thought it unnecessary, and still think it unnecessary), now life is slowly getting back to normal.

In some respects this is similar to the GFC. The response from our governments (of both political flavours) was so good, and quick, a large proportion of the public seems to think the cause of the crisis wasn't that big a deal.


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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2020, 12:11:09 AM »
One last thing that has surprised me about MMM since this post that was so off kilter - I would have assumed he'd be posting more often now.  If he were willing to post this, then surely the changes that have come after have been very compelling.  Consumerism is hitting a new low, bike ridership at a new high.  I would've thought this site would be rockin' and rollin' with enthusiasm about the new normal.  So why the radio silence? 


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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2020, 06:22:47 AM »
Yeah, it's shocking that he's only written a miniscule five posts so far this year. By this time last year he had written a massively higher six posts.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2020, 10:41:29 AM »
Yeah, it's shocking that he's only written a miniscule five posts so far this year. By this time last year he had written a massively higher six posts.

Interesting point.  I hadn't thought to compare, so these were the 2019 posts:

May 2019 -Our Shared Ongoing Battle To Not Buy A Tesla
April 2019 -
The Real Benefit of Being Rich
How I Sold This Website for $9 Million
February 2019 -
How to Create Reality
Four Ways We Can Hang Out
January 2019 - How To Slow Down Time and Live Longer

And these are the 2020 posts:
May 2020 - Introducing Coverage Critic: Time to Kill the $80 Mobile Phone Bill Forever
April 2020 -
The Medicine of Mustachianism (a guest post from Marla)
No, You Didn’t Just Lose Half Of Your Retirement Savings
March 2020 - Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
January 2020 - Exposed! Mr. Money Mustache’s 2019 Bachelor Spending!

2020 has basically been his usual annual spend post, the post that we are criticizing on this thread, and two guest posts (I count the 'coverage critic' as a guest post).  So yeah, he actually has slowed down on spreading 'the message' quite substantially.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 10:43:12 AM by EscapeVelocity2020 »


  • CM*MW 2023 Attendees
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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2020, 02:13:51 PM »
He slowed down quite substantially years ago. He decided to be an actual retired person instead of a Ramit Sethi/Tim Ferriss full time lifestyle guru.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2020, 08:28:47 PM »
Yeah, I imagine that’s hard to care about writing the same blog for years and years. I’m usually sick of doing the same thing after 2-3 years. Everything that needs to be said has been said, and it’s not like money is a motivator.


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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2020, 08:36:52 PM »
If you write more you could dilute your message. We should really be grateful that he has created this community.


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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #57 on: July 06, 2020, 02:21:03 AM »
So he has updated his thoughts on Covid on his twitter and seems to be suggesting that soon America will have heard immunity... For someone who claims to be completely rational and science based it is quite disappointing to see his logic.  Also, in my opinion his message is almost dangerous as it would suggest no safety measures in New York would be necessary any longer!! I honestly like most of his advice and standpoints but on healthcare I would wish he would go back to his old ways of doing some more research on facts and science before posting some Trump like nonsense


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirusand
« Reply #58 on: July 15, 2020, 11:10:15 PM »
Wow, Pete really is losing his 'rational scientific' cred with sincere Tweets like this one

Statistically speaking, these three Circles of Life have a MUCH bigger positive impact on your health and longevity, than whether you happen to catch or dodge COVID.

So why are we wasting our time arguing about who is wearing masks?

Bikes, Barbells and Salads.

Has he not noticed that wearing masks really helps prevent the spread of the virus?

Not to mention, getting COVID can negate a lifetime of bikes, barbells, and salads for some otherwise healthy folks.  It would be great if we all knew, ahead of time, if we are self-vaccinating vs. sending our-self and/or our acquaintances to a hospital and/or dying if we catch COVID.  But the science is not there yet and may never have a 'pre-test'.  Heck, we might not even have immunity after we recover from COVID.

Bottom line, nothing wrong with being as fit as possible, but also, just wear masks and prevent this virus from spreading!


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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2020, 07:11:08 AM »
For a Canadian, he seems to have a really hard time figuring out why Canada has quashed the virus and the U.S. has not.  The U.S. has done so poorly that a U.S. passport gets you almost nowhere.

Remember when he said, "listen to the experts?"  The experts are telling people to wear masks.  Pete remains an idiot.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #60 on: July 31, 2020, 10:26:04 AM »
Pete never said not to wear a mask. I think he was simply making the point that if people focused more on their health then the outcome of infection is likely much more positive.

He's frustrated that only now people seem to care about health, but only when it comes to wearing a mask. He would like people to make it a more all-encompassing effort.

fuzzy math

  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Lessons in Fear and Wealth from the Coronavirus
« Reply #61 on: August 01, 2020, 11:49:39 AM »
I read this thread for the first time and it appears you've spent 4 months having a rage hard-on for him.
If you look at the actual date of his first tweet it was Feb 25, which was worlds apart from March 4 when this post was made, and universes apart from when you upped your attacks in April. Do you know how many KNOWN deaths there were as of Feb 25? Do not count the back dated deaths in WA that were announced about 3 days later...


If you were so smart back in February, did you change your asset allocation for the upcoming market crash? I did... on Feb 18. So pony up and show your foreknowledge of all this instead of your hindsight quarterbacking...


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!