I was disappointed in how MMM wrote in disclaimers about range limits in EVs. 90% of those limits are just a want for ease and comfort, not a real need. We only have one car, a short range electric (realistic range ~100km). Driving long distance takes a bit more time and planning, but we do it regularly. For instance this weekend trip over the mountains to the west coast:
http://travelelectric.blogspot.no/2017/05/weekend-trip-to-bergen.html?m=1This summer we didn't really drive a lot, just island hopping in the Faroes. Last summer we went to the North Cape (71 deg north), covering around 5000 km. Next summer we'll do Great Britain, via Denmark, northern Germany and the Netherlands.
The purchase price was slightly higher than what we usually aim for, but the operating costs are much lower: fuel costs are almost nothing, and we have spent less on maintenance the last 3-4 years in this car, than we usually spent in 6-12 months on the last petrol cars we had. (And that includes indulging in services for the EV, while doing most of the work on the petrol cars at home).